There are two formats for tracking a signed agreement from volunteers within CERVIS. One is a paper version called the "Liability Waiver/Medical Release'' the second is an electronic version called "Terms & Conditions". Typically we recommend using one or the other to lessen any confusion on what content has or has not been signed and accepted.
“Liability Waiver/Medical Release” Functionality
The "Liability Waiver/Medical Release'' functionality within CERVIS is more of a traditional waiver. This option links to a hard copy/paper version where a wet/physical signature is needed. Some organizations require that a physical signature is gathered on a hard copy form, which makes this the best option to gather those signatures in the system.
When using this option volunteers can create a profile without filling out a liability waiver, but they can be requested to fill out a waiver after registering for specific events in which they have been enabled for. When this option is enabled on an opportunity-by-opportunity basis, the system will check to see if a volunteer's profile has been marked as having a current Liability Waiver/Medical Release on file when they register for an event. If they have not already completed a liability waiver, the system will allow them to register for the event but will send them a link to download the waiver in the confirmation and reminder emails. They will be instructed to print it out, sign it, and bring it with them to the event. This option allows the ability to provide a separate waiver for adults and youth, or you can require a waiver for either one of the two.
After the event and waivers have been turned in to you, you will need to update everyone's profile to indicate that they filled out a waiver (this can be done in bulk by following the instructions HERE.) After a volunteer's profile has been marked as ‘Yes’ having a current Liability Waiver/Medical Release on file, they will no longer see the message in their confirmation emails instructing them to fill one out.
You have the option to reset the waiver status so that volunteers are required to fill out a new waiver. You can do this on an annual basis or whenever you need your volunteers to sign a new waiver. For instructions on how to reset this field, click HERE.
For instructions on how to configure your Liability Waiver/Medical Release, reference the KnowledgeBase Article HERE.
"Terms & Conditions" Functionality
The "Terms & Conditions" functionality allows your volunteers to electronically accept any “terms” that you post and can be required for volunteers before they create their profile. This feature adds a checkbox when creating a volunteer profile marking that the volunteer agrees to the electronically posted terms & conditions that you specify. You can also enable a field for the volunteer to type their electronic signature and optionally add a line for the typed signature of a parent/guardian if the volunteer is a minor.
This field can be used for specifying things like volunteer code of conduct, photo releases, full liability waivers, or anything in-between. The type of information included in your Terms & Conditions is usually dependent on an organization's legal council and their willingness to accept a checkbox or typed signature as a valid electronic signature.
Note that if the Terms & Conditions function is enabled in your system, volunteers are initially required to accept them when they first create a profile. If you have existing volunteers in the system when you enable this feature, they will not be prompted to accept the terms when registering for an event until you choose to require volunteers to verify their profile information, which forces volunteers to update their account information the next time they login or register for an event. The system will not display Terms & Conditions to volunteers who have accepted these exact terms within one year of accepting them. For instructions on how to Require Verification of Volunteer Information, review the Knowledge Base Article HERE.
For instructions on how to set up your Terms & Conditions, reference the Knowledge Base Article HERE.