To credit someone who attended an opportunity, but did not register beforehand, you can simply register them for the event afterward and they will receive the default amount of hours for the event. You can register a volunteer for a shift that occurred in the past just like you would for an upcoming shift. Please follow the steps below to do so:
- Login to your CERVIS Account.
- Click on the Search / Manage Existing Opportunities link under the "Opportunity Management" section of the Main Dashboard.
- Locate the opportunity in question and click on the () Register Volunteers/Groups icon.
- If this is a Closed event, you can locate it by searching for the opportunity name or by using the Show Closed Opportunities search function which is listed under the Advanced Options found on the top of your "Opportunity Management Dashboard".
- Type the volunteer's name in the "Volunteer Name" name lookup field at the top of the page and select the Register Volunteer or Group button.
- NOTE: If this is a Time Slot Event, select the shift from the Time Slot Availability listing. You may need to adjust the Display slots available between to show slots occurring in the past.
- Click the Complete Registration button.
Completing these steps will automatically credit the volunteer with the default amount of hours for the event and they'll be included in the “Registered Volunteers/Groups Listing” along with all other registered volunteers, but it will not automatically send a Confirmation message to the volunteer.