You have the option to enable automatic thank you email messages to be sent out to volunteers after they have participated in an opportunity. This global message can be enabled to send on an opportunity-by-opportunity basis.
In order to use this function, you’ll first need to set up the Thank You message subject and content in your “System Configuration”. Follow the steps below to enable this feature:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on Edit System Configuration under the “System Management” heading on the Main Dashboard.
- Scroll down and expand the E-mail Message Content section.
- Input your desired content for both the Event Participation Thank You E-mail Message Subject and Event Participation Thank You E-mail Message fields.
- This message should be general and apply to all of your events, not just a specific event, as the same message is sent for all opportunities it is enabled on.
- If desired, you may use the variable ##fname## in the message so that the first name of the volunteer will appear in the automatic message.
- If desired, this would be an ideal place to include any links for a post-event or volunteer follow-up survey using a tool like Google Forms or Survey Monkey.
- Click the Update Configuration button found at the bottom of this section to save your changes.
Once you have updated these E-mail fields with content you will be able to add this Thank You message to any new or existing Opportunities. A new field will appear as you Edit / Update an existing opportunity or when you Add a New Opportunity, called Send Automatic Thank You E-mail. Choose from the following options:
- ‘No’ No Automatic Thank You E-mail will be sent.
- ‘Yes - All Registered’ Automatic Thank You E-mail will be sent to all registrants regardless of sign-in.
- ‘Yes - Signed-in’ Automatic Thank You E-mail will only be sent to those volunteers who signed-in using the Sign-in Console or Mobile Sign-in.
Automatic Thank You E-mails are sent out from the system at 8PM (Local Time) for all opportunities/shifts occurring that day that begin before 6PM (Local Time). If an opportunity/shift starts after 6PM, the email will be sent out at 8PM on the following day.
If you have many existing events for which you’d like to set up Automatic Thank You E-mails, you can perform a bulk update by following the steps in our Knowledge Base Article found HERE.