Let's Get Started
There is a $300 annual fee to use Salesforce integration in your CERVIS system.
Please contact CERVIS Customer Support at support@cervistech.com to enable Salesforce integration in your account. Once enabled, you’ll need to configure your Salesforce instance to work with CERVIS. To do so, please follow the steps below:
Create a Connected App in Salesforce
To connect CERVIS with your Salesforce instance, you will first need to create a 'Connected App'. To create a Connected App in your Salesforce instance, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your Salesforce instance
- Click on the setup icon in the upper right corner to view your Salesforce console
- Click on the Setup option
- Expand the Apps menu option
- Click on the App Manager option
- Click on New Connected App
Configure your Salesforce Connected App with these settings:
- Enter 'CERVIS Data Sync' as the Connected App Name
- Enter 'CERVIS_Data_Sync' as the API Name (this may automatically populate based on the app name)
- Enter 'support@cervistech.com' as the Contact Email
- Enter 'https://cdn.cervistech.com/acts/images/logo/cervis-logo-125.png' as the Logo Image URL
- Enter 'https://cdn.cervistech.com/acts/images/logo/cervis-logo-16.png' as the Icon URL
- Place a checkmark in the checkbox next to Enable OAuth Settings
- Enter 'https://www.cervistech.com/oauth2callback.php' as the Callback URL
- Add the options 'Manage user data via APIs' and 'Perform requests at any time' as Selected OAuth Scopes
- Ensure the Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows option is 'Unchecked'
- Ensure the Require Secret for Web Server Flow option is 'Checked'
- Ensure the Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow option is 'Checked'
- Leave all other options as with their default settings
- Click the Save button at the top of the page
Retrieve App Connection Information from Salesforce
Retrieve the connection settings for your newly created Salesforce Connected App by following these steps:
- Log in to your Salesforce instance
- Click on the setup icon in the upper right corner to view your Salesforce console
- Click on the Setup option
- Expand the Apps menu option
- Click on the App Manager option
- Click on the View option for the CERVIS Data Sync Connected App
- Click on the Manage Consumer Details button (Salesforce may require that you verify your account at this step by sending a verification code to your Salesforce email address)
- Copy the value of the Consumer Key and the Consumer Secret provided on screen for use in configuring CERVIS in the next few steps.
- Close out of the Consumer Details page and return to the main Salesforce console.
- Type 'my domain' in the universal search box at the top of the page and select the My Domain option.
- Copy the value of the Current My Domain URL provided on screen for use in configuring CERVIS in the next few steps.
Input Salesforce Authentication Information into CERVIS
- Sign into your CERVIS console
- Click on the Salesforce Integration Configuration option under the "System Management" section of your CERVIS Main Dashboard. If you do not see the Salesforce Integration Configuration option on your CERVIS Main Dashboard, you will need to contact CERVIS Customer Support to enable this functionality. There is a $300 yearly activation and maintenance fee to use Salesforce Integration in your CERVIS system.
- Input your Salesforce Domain URL (see step 11 above) into the Salesforce App Domain field on the Salesforce Integration and Connection Options page in CERVIS.
- Input your Salesforce Consumer Key (see step 8 above) into the Salesforce App ID field on the Salesforce Integration and Connection Options page in CERVIS.
- Input your Salesforce Consumer Secret (see step 8 above) into the Salesforce App Secret field on the Salesforce Integration and Connection Options page in CERVIS.
- Click the Update Salesforce Integration Configuration button to save the Salesforce connection information in CERVIS
Connect CERVIS to your Salesforce Connected App
- Sign into your CERVIS console
- Click on the Salesforce Integration Configuration option under the "System Management" section of your CERVIS Main Dashboard.
- Click on the Connect with Salesforce button.
- Login to your Salesforce account in the popup box that appears using your Salesforce Username and Password (Note: if you are already logged in to Salesforce in your browser, this step will be skipped)
- Click on the Allow button on the Salesforce 'Allow Access?' popup.
- Verify that your Salesforce Username is being displayed as the Salesforce Connected User in CERVIS
Integrating Salesforce with CERVIS
Once the Salesforce integration is enabled in your system, follow the steps below to connect the two systems.
- Login into your CERVIS Account
- Click on the “Salesforce Integration Configuration” link under the System Management section of the Main Dashboard
- Set the “Salesforce Integration Status” to “Enabled”
- Set the “Salesforce Individual Type” to either “Contact” or “Lead” for records imported from CERVIS into Salesforce
- OPTIONAL: To import only certain records from Salesforce into CERVIS, enter the query you would like to use. To import ALL records from Salesforce, leave this field blank.
- Choose the “Export Method” you would like to use from the options listed below. Note that these can be changed at any time:
- Add New & Update Existing Records - CERVIS will check to see if there is a record match based on a combination of name, email, and phone information; and if there is not a matching record in Salesforce, a new one will be created. If CERVIS has new or updated information for an existing record, it will also update that record to include that information.
- Add New Records Only - CERVIS will check to see if there is a record match based on a combination of name, email and phone information and if there is not a matching record in Salesforce, a new one will be created. No existing records will be updated.
- Update Existing Records Only - CERVIS will check to see if there is a record match based on a combination of name, email and phone information and if there is not a matching record in Salesforce, no new record will be created. If CERVIS has new or updated information for an existing record, it will update that record to include that information.
- Choose the “Export Type” from the options listed below:
- Manual Exporting Only - allows you to select which records you want to export to Salesforce and when. We recommend selecting this initially until you are confident everything is configured correctly.
- Manual & Automatic Exporting - CERVIS will push data to Salesforce any time that a volunteer profile is created or updated in CERVIS while still allowing you to complete a manual export at any time.
Setup Field Mapping
Next, configure the fields that you would like to map between Salesforce and CERVIS in the “Salesforce Integration Field Mapping Options'' section of the screen. All of the CERVIS field name options are on the left side; type in the name of the matching field from your Salesforce account in the entry box provided. The default Salesforce field names are provided in the first section containing the basic fields. So if you haven't changed the labels for those fields in Salesforce, you can just use the defaults. For any other fields, you will need to locate the Salesforce name for the field you would like to map, and enter that in the field provided.
Complete Integration
Once you have configured all of the desired fields listed above, click the “Update Salesforce Integration Configuration” button at the bottom of the page to save your changes. If you set your system to the automatic export, CERVIS will automatically begin moving over records into Salesforce as soon as any profiles are updated or added. However, we recommend that you start with the manual export so that you can choose the items that you want to export and test out that it is working properly.
For instructions on how to complete a manual export, refer to the Knowledge Base article linked here: Export Records to Salesforce