To conduct a detailed search of your group database using the advanced search options, please follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on the Group Management link under the "Attribute Management" section of the Main Dashboard.
- Click on the Advanced Search radio button found at the top left under “Advanced Options”.
- Specify the criteria that you are looking for and click on the Search Group Database button. This will display a listing of all volunteers that match your search criteria.
The available options for an advanced group search are listed below. You can search based on just one item or combine any of the options available to create very specific searches. Available options are:
- Search for groups with this in the group name:
- Search for groups with this tag:
- Search for groups of this type:
- Public
- Private
- Search for groups with this status:
- Active
- Inactive
- Search for groups with this contact person:
- Search for groups created between: (enter desired date range)
- Find Groups that have X number of: | More Than | Exactly | Less Than | Between | : (enter desired date range)
- Times Served
- Hours
- Impact Tracking Items (if enabled)
- Find Groups that have X number of: | More Than | Exactly | : (enter desired date range)
- No Shows
- Cancellations
- No Shows and/or Cancellations
- Find Groups that participated (or will participate) in their first activity between: (enter desired date range)
Available Actions for Returned Group Search Results
There are several actions that can be taken for one or more groups after completing an Advanced Group Search. These actions are found on your search listings page in the Group Management Bulk Actions dropdown list.
When selecting Groups:
- You can select all rows on all pages of the returned search results by placing a checkmark in the checkbox in the header row of the returned results which is located just to the left of the "Actions" column.
- You can select individual rows by placing a checkmark in the checkbox on the left side of each row. Note: Checked boxes are retained while switching between different pages of the returned search results.
Below are the available options for the selected rows of the returned search results:
- Show Members of Selected Group(s)
- Show Group Contacts for Selected Group(s)
- Download Group Spreadsheet
- Remove Selected Group(s)
- Updated Selected Group(s)
- Merge Selected Groups(s)