Managing Files after a Volunteer Uploads a Document
If enabled in your system, volunteers can upload files to their own profiles. These files must be less than 4 MB in size and one of the following file types: .doc, .docx, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .msg, .rtf, .jpg, .png, or .pdf. To enable this functionality in your system, enable an email notification to Admin or Leadership Team, and to find instructions on how a volunteer uploads a document, follow the steps found in the Knowledge Base article HERE.
Managing Files a Volunteer Uploads:
To open, download, post, or remove a file (or multiple files) after a volunteer has uploaded a document, please follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on Search / Manage Volunteer Database under the “Volunteer Management” section of the Main Dashboard.
- Locate the volunteer in question and click on the leftmost icon to Manage Profile.
- Click the View/Update File Attachments icon near the bottom of the page.
- To OPEN the file, select it using the checkbox to the left then click the Open Selected Attachment button and it will automatically be downloaded. Please note: This option can only be used with one file at a time.
- To DOWNLOAD the file, select it using the checkbox to the left then click the Download Selected Attachment(s) button and your download will begin immediately. Selections will be downloaded in a compressed .zip file.
- To POST the file, click on the Post Document to Portal icon next to the attachment. This will post the document to the Volunteer Portal for this volunteer only and allow them to open and download the document(s).
- If your desire is to not allow them to open and download the document once it has been uploaded, you can leave the document unposted. This will still allow the volunteer to see that the document was indeed uploaded with a timestamp, but will not allow them the ability to interact with the document.
- If your desire is to not allow them to open and download the document once it has been uploaded, you can leave the document unposted. This will still allow the volunteer to see that the document was indeed uploaded with a timestamp, but will not allow them the ability to interact with the document.
8. To REMOVE an attachment from their profile, you can select it using the checkbox to the left and click the Remove Selected Attachment(s) button.
- Please note that by removing the selected attachment, this will no longer allow the volunteer to see that the document was uploaded, and if previously posted to them, it will be removed from their access.
Please note that any files uploaded by the volunteer will be denoted with the “” icon with the following warning attached:
This is a Volunteer uploaded file. Please use caution when opening this file, especially if you do not recognize the Volunteer or if you were not expecting this file to be uploaded.
An additional way to open, download, post, or remove a file (or multiple files) is available by clicking on the File Management option under the “System Management” section of the Main Dashboard.