I want my volunteers to be able to upload a copy of their driver’s license to their profile in CERVIS, is there a way they can do that?
Volunteers can upload files to their own profiles as long as you have the functionality enabled for your system. These files must be less than 4 MB in size and one of the following file types: .doc, .docx, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .msg, .rtf, .jpg, .png, or .pdf. Once the volunteer has uploaded a file, there are a variety of options available from both the admin perspective and the volunteer perspective.
To begin, the option to allow file attachment uploads must first be enabled in your system. To enable this functionality, follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on the Edit System Configuration link under the “System Management” section of the Main Dashboard. Please note, this option will only be available to CERVIS users with the Administrator access level.
- Locate the Security & Privacy Settings section heading and click on it to expand the section.
- Set the Allow File Attachment Uploads field to “Yes”.
- Optionally specify if an email notification should be sent when a file attachment is uploaded. This field will only allow the selection of individuals with Administrator or Leadership Team access level.
- Click the Update Configuration button to save your changes.
Volunteers can upload a file by following the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS volunteer portal.
- Click Upload File Attachments near the bottom of the page.
- If your account is linked with any family members, you must select the name of the person for whom you would like to upload a file.
- Click Choose File to select the file from your computer that you would like to upload.
- The file must be less than 4 MB in size and one of the following file types: .doc, .docx, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .msg, .rtf, .jpg, .png, or .pdf
- Click Upload New File Attachment to upload the file to your profile.
Once a volunteer uploads a document, Admin or Leadership Team access levels can choose to post the document to the volunteer’s portal giving the volunteer the ability to open and download the document(s). Leaving the document unposted will still allow the volunteer to see that the document was indeed uploaded with a timestamp, but will not allow them the ability to interact with the document. You can find instructions for posting documents HERE.
How to view the file as an administrator:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on the Search / Manage Volunteer Database link under the “Volunteer Management” section of the Main Dashboard.
- Locate/search for the volunteer in question.
- Click on the View / Update File Attachments (
) button to the left of their name.
- You will see the file(s) the volunteer uploaded in the listing in the middle of the page along with any other files on their profile. Any files uploaded by the volunteer will be denoted with the “
” icon with the following warning attached:
- This is a Volunteer uploaded file. Please use caution when opening this file, especially if you do not recognize the Volunteer or if you were not expecting this file to be uploaded.
- To open the file, select it using the checkbox to the left of the file then click the Open Selected Attachment button, and your download will begin immediately.
- If you need to remove an attachment from their profile, you can select it using the checkbox to the left then click the Remove Selected Attachment(s) button.
For a full list of instructions on managing files including how to open, download, post, or remove a file that has been posted, please follow the steps found HERE.