With CERVIS you have the option to create a Custom Domain that will direct volunteers to your console using a simple, easy-to-remember URL.
There are two options within CERVIS to create unique URLs for your CERVIS console to make it easy for you and your volunteers to access your volunteer site and to give volunteers confidence that they are submitting their information to the correct organization.
The first option is full custom domain mapping. Mapping CERVIS to a custom domain means that volunteers can stay on the same website that your volunteers were first directed to, instead of being redirected to a CERVIS domain. Whenever possible, this is the best option for both your volunteers and your organization. However, using this option requires some additional configuration on your end because it will be on your domain instead of CERVIS and may require the assistance of your IT team or hosting provider. Additionally, this option is only available to users with the Premier or Enterprise edition of the software.
The second option is a custom CERVIS subdomain. This option is available to users with the Standard, Premier, or Enterprise edition of the software. Creating a custom CERVIS subdomain means that the URLs will still be on a CERVIS domain (i.e. cervistech.com, cervis.tech, etc), but you can customize the prefix to reflect your organization. This could be the name of your organization, what you use as your website domain, or something else that you determine. The links to your console will then look something like “myorg.cervistech.com”.
Depending on your CERVIS edition, discuss with your IT department or whomever manages your domain or website to determine what makes the most sense for your organization. Once you have determined if you will use the custom subdomain or the fully custom domain, follow the corresponding steps below.
Full Custom Domain:
Step 1: Determine the prefix that you’d like to use
Choose from the list of predetermined prefixes below to create your custom domain (i.e. cervis.demofoodbank.org or volunteer.demofoodbank.org).
- cervis
- volunteer
- serve
- help
- getinvolved
- signup
- portal
- my
Step 2: Choose your default landing page
Selecting a default landing page allows you to set one of the standard CERVIS pages as the starting place for volunteers if they enter your custom domain directly. This can be the Event Listing Page, Service Project Listing Page, Admin Login Page, Group Request Form, or the Volunteer Application.
In our example of volunteer.demofoodbank.org we have chosen to set the Event Listing Page as our default landing page. This means that if a volunteer visits volunteer.demofoodbank.org they will be directed to the Event Listing Page and be able to register for an event from there.
This is an additional function that makes it simpler to share this URL with your volunteers. All of the currently existing options that are available to link to a specific page in CERVIS will still function the same, the default landing page just provides an easy alternative to share with volunteers.
Step 3: Notify CERVIS Customer Support
Let our Customer Support team know your choices using the “Submit a request” option at the top of this screen or the “Need Help” button in your CERVIS console. They will update your account as needed and give you the tools you need for the next steps.
Step 4: Update your DNS record
Have your IT department or whomever manages your website make the necessary changes that the Customer Support Team will provide you in order to finalize the custom domain changes. For more about the technical process of this, refer to the article Mapping Your Custom Domain to CERVIS.
Custom Subdomain:
Step 1: Determine the subdomain prefix that you’d like to use
This is typically your organization name or domain, but it can really be anything that your volunteers would easily remember and identify as your organization.
For example, if your organization’s website is www.demofoodbank.org you may choose to use “demofoodbank” as your subdomain.
Step 2: Choose the CERVIS domain that you’d like to use from the list below:
- cervistech.com
- cerv.is
- cervis.tech
- cervis.app
- cervis.mobi
- cervis.help
- cervis.tools
- cervis.community
Step 3: Choose your default landing page
Selecting a default landing page allows you to set one of the standard CERVIS pages as the starting place for volunteers if they enter your custom subdomain directly. This can be the Event Listing Page, Service Project Listing Page, Admin Login Page, Group Request Form, or the Volunteer Application.
In our example of demofoodbank.cervis.tech we have chosen to set the Event Listing Page as our default landing page. This means that if a volunteer visits demofoodbank.cervis.tech they will be directed to the Event Listing Page and be able to register for an event from there.
This is an additional function that makes it simpler to share this URL with your volunteers. All of the currently existing options that are available to link to a specific page in CERVIS will still function the same, the default landing page just provides an easy alternative to share with volunteers.
Step 4: Notify CERVIS Customer Support
Let our Customer Support team know your choices using the “Submit a request” option at the top of this screen or the “Need Help” button in your CERVIS console. They will update your account as needed and notify you when the updates are complete.