There are two ways to register for an event using a Reservation Code as a volunteer.
Method 1 - Using the link generated for a specific reservation code:
To use the generated link for a specific Reservation Code, locate the email you received that includes the link, click on the link and skip down to Step 4 of Method 2 below.
Method 2 - Manually inputting the Reservation Code:
1. Navigate to the Event Listing Page for the organization you are volunteering with.
2. Select the Use Reservation Code button as highlighted in the image below:
3. Input the code that you will be using and select Apply Reservation Code.
4. From the newly filtered listing of events select the opportunity which you would like to register for. Note: if you have entered a correct Reservation Code you will be able to see that the code has been applied as in the image below:
5. After choosing an event and clicking to register for the event, follow the prompts to complete your registration, and then you will immediately receive a registration confirmation message.