When needing to export volunteer data, there are two built-in spreadsheet options available to you, a Basic Contact Info Spreadsheet and a Full Spreadsheet. The basic export will include the volunteer’s name, email, phone number, and address. Whereas the full export will download almost all of the profile information you have on the volunteer (see the list of possible fields at the bottom of this article).
But because every organization is unique and has specific requirements for exporting volunteer records, the Custom Spreadsheet tool allows for the creation of custom exports to meet those needs. Whether you are exporting information to your Donor Management Database or for a marketing campaign, you can create saved profiles for easy access to the different ways you want to use your data outside of CERVIS.
To DOWNLOAD a spreadsheet of volunteer profile information, follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on Search / Manage Volunteer Database under the “Volunteer Management” heading on the Main Dashboard.
- Search for the volunteers that you would like included in the spreadsheet using any of the search options at the top of the page, including the Advanced Search.
- Select specific volunteers using the checkboxes to the left of their names or choose all of the returned search results by clicking the checkbox in the heading.
- Using the "Volunteer Management Bulk Actions" dropdown, select the Download Volunteer Spreadsheet and click the corresponding button.
- Choose one of the built-in spreadsheets or previously created custom spreadsheets from the selection list. Or you can create a New Custom Spreadsheet by following steps 4-9 below.
- Click the Download button to begin the export.
To CREATE a new custom export, follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on Search / Manage Volunteer Database under the “Volunteer Management” heading on the Main Dashboard.
- Using the "Volunteer Management Bulk Actions" dropdown, select the Download Volunteer Spreadsheet and click the corresponding button. Click the “Spreadsheet” button.
- Select Add New Custom Spreadsheet / Export Profile from the dropdown where you will be taken into the menu to customize your export.
- Enter a name for your new profile.
- Choose the “Profile Type”. Select ‘Private’ if you want it to be restricted to only administrators, or ‘Public’ if you want it to be available for other staff members as well.
- Choose the fields to include in your export by selecting the checkbox next to each field.
- Note that fields that say (Disabled) or (Unused Custom Field) are not being tracked in your system and will not appear in the export.
- Order the selected fields by dragging and dropping the fields to their proper placement. Note: Items are sorted top to bottom with the topmost item being the leftmost column in the output.
- Click the Save Custom Spreadsheet / Export button and your new profile will now be listed as an option to choose from when you initiate click the Download Volunteer Spreadsheet option.
To UPDATE an existing custom profile, follow the CREATE Steps 1-3 and then select the desired profile from the dropdown menu and click the Update button. From there, you can modify the name, the type, and any of the fields included in the spreadsheet. Then select Update Custom Spreadsheet / Export to save your changes.
To REMOVE a report you no longer need from the list, follow the CREATE Steps 1-3 and then select the desired profile from the dropdown menu and click the Trash Can () icon to the right and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Delete Custom Spreadsheet / Export button.
The fields listed below will be included when you are downloading the Full Spreadsheet and they will be available to you when choosing fields for a New Custom Export:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Primary Phone
- Email Address
- Alternate Phone
- Address
- Emergency Contact Information
- Birth Date
- Age Group
- Age
- Background Check Information
- T-Shirt Size
- Liability Waiver/Medical Release Status
- Gender
- DoD/Military Installation Access
- Willing to be an Event Lead
- E-mail Subscription Status
- Volunteer Tags
- Volunteer Interests
- Volunteer Skills
- Volunteer Equipment
- Volunteer Availability
- Volunteer Groups
- Volunteer Status
- CERVIS Access Level
- Start Date
- Years of Service
- Volunteer Profile Notes
- Terms & Conditions Date
- Lifetime Activity Count
- Lifetime Hours
- Custom Fields
Please note, only those fields which you have enabled in the System Configuration will appear in the spreadsheet.