We have an event where individuals from abroad may be registering to participate. How can we configure CERVIS to accept multiple phone number formats?
The phone number and address formats within CERVIS are controlled by the "Locale Setting" in the System Configuration for your console. To configure CERVIS to accept multiple phone number formats, please follow the instructions below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on the "Edit System Configuration" link under the "System Management" section of the Main Dashboard. Please note, this option is only available to CERVIS users with the Administrator access level.
- Scroll down to the "System Settings" section of the System Configuration, and click on the heading to expand the section.
- Locate the "Locale Setting" field and choose "Other" from the selection box.
- Click the "Update Configuration" button to save the configuration.
Please note: in addition to allowing the phone number fields to accept any phone number format, setting the locale to "Other" will also set the address field to accept any address format entered by the volunteer.