Is there a way to change the email address that appears as the "From" address when I send an email from CERVIS?
The "System E-mails Sent From" field in System Configuration can be changed, but you will have to contact the CERVIS Customer Support team to change it for you.
Before the "System E-mails Sent From" field can be changed to an E-mail address with a custom domain (i.e., you must ensure that DKIM has been properly configured for that domain. Failure to properly configure DKIM will result in E-mail deliverability problems when sending an E-mail from CERVIS. Please review the support knowledge base article below for instructions on how to configure DKIM with your DNS provider:
When you have DKIM configured for your domain, please contact CERVIS Customer Support to change the "System E-mails Sent From" field by following the steps in the article HERE.
Note: Replies are managed separately from the "System E-mails Sent From" field, any replies to your messages from volunteers will still be delivered to whomever sent the original email (for manually sent emails) or to the point of contact for that specific event (for automatically generated emails.)