To restrict event registration based on specified criteria, please follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on the "Search/Manage Existing Opportunities" link under the "Opportunity Management" section of the Main Dashboard.
- Locate the opportunity in question in the list of opportunities and click on the “Update / Edit Opportunity” icon (
- Click on the "Registration Restriction Options" heading to expand the section.
- Specify the desired restriction criteria. The following options are available, depending on what you have enabled in your system:
- Gender: tracking of gender must be enabled in the System Configuration.
- Age Range: tracking of birth date must be enabled in the System Configuration.
- Background Check Status: tracking of background check status must be enabled in the System Configuration.
- Custom Fields: any of the Custom Selection List Fields that are created in the System Configuration can be used as a restriction.
- Checklist Items: completion of any of the Checklist Items created in your system can be used as a restriction.
- Group Membership: association with a particular Group or Groups can be used as a restriction.
- Note that for fields that have the “Any/All” options, the “Any” option means that only volunteers with at least one of the selected items will be able to register. The “All” option means they must have each of the selected items on their profile in order to register.
- Also note that for fields that have the "Limit Visibility" option, if set to yes, the opportunity would never be visible on the public listing page, but only volunteers that meet the selected criteria would be able to see it when they are logged into their profile.
- Click the "Update Opportunity" button to complete the action.
Please Note: The system does not inform volunteers of restrictions on an opportunity. When a volunteer tries to register for an opportunity and does not meet any of its restrictions, they will be notified that they do not meet the “established requirements” for the opportunity and will not be allowed to register. Because of this, you may want to note the restriction(s) in the opportunity description so that they are not surprised when they attempt to register. The only exceptions to this are age and gender restrictions. The system will notify volunteers of the reason they were unable to register and give them an opportunity to change the field on their profile.