What is the maximum number of characters that may be included as part of an event description?
The maximum number of characters for various fields within CERVIS are listed below. Please keep in mind, however, that fields which allow for advanced HTML formatting will be able to contain less actual characters as the amount of HTML formatting increases due to the character overhead caused by HTML formatting.
System Configuration Items:
- Organization Long Name: 50 characters
- Organization Short Name: 40 characters
- Sign-in Console Custom Question Text: 280 characters
- Event Listing Page Welcome Message: 60,000 characters
- Service Project Listing Page Welcome Message: 60,000 characters
- Volunteer Application Page Welcome Note: 60,000 characters
- Volunteer Application Submission Message: 60,000 characters
- Volunteer Profile Creation Page Welcome Note: 60,000 characters
- Service Project Application Welcome Note: 60,000 characters
- Contact Us Page Welcome Note: 60,000 characters
- Account Check Page Welcome Note: 60,000 characters
- Project Request Notes/Instructions: 60,000 characters
- System Information Message: 60,000 characters
- Terms & Conditions Intro Text: 200 characters
- Term & Conditions: 60,000 characters
- Event Registration Confirmation E-mail Message: 60,000 characters
- Event Registration Reminder E-mail Message: 60,000 characters
- Event Participation Than You E-mail Message: 60,000 characters
- Profile Creation Confirmation Message: 60,000 characters
- E-mail Footer Message: 60,000 characters
Event Information Items:
- Event Name: 40 characters
- Event Description: 60,000 characters
- Event Private Note: 60,000 characters
- Additional Information for Confirmation E-mail Message: 60,000 characters
- Custom Event Multi-line text items: 350 characters
- Event Registration Note: 100 characters
Volunteer Information Items:
- Volunteer First Name: 40 characters
- Volunteer Last Name: 40 characters
- Volunteer Email Address: 60 characters
- Volunteer Note: 1,600 characters
- Custom Volunteer Field Text: 280 characters
- Custom Volunteer Field Text Box: 1,000 characters
- Custom Volunteer Selection List Items: 70 characters
- Volunteer Follow-up Notes: 500 characters
- Volunteer Follow-up Description: 50 characters
Group Information Items:
- Group Name: 60 characters
- Group Notes: 1600 characters