The Follow-up Management dashboard is a feature within CERVIS that is essentially a task manager to track follow-ups and/or assign them to different staff members. Follow-ups can be manually added or you can enable settings in the “System Configuration” to automatically generate them.
Any CERVIS user with the Administrator, Leadership Team, or Group Leader access level, may be assigned a follow-up action within CERVIS.
To CREATE a volunteer follow-up assignment:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on the View/Manage Volunteer Follow-up link under the "Volunteer Management" section of the Main Dashboard.
- Click Add New Follow-up under the "Standard Options" section of the page.
- In the "Follow-up With" field, enter the first or last name of the volunteer that needs to be contacted to have their question answered or their issue resolved, then click on their name when it appears. This field will perform a lookup of every profile in the system. If they do not already have a profile in the system, you can create one for them by clicking on the Add Volunteer Profile button (
) to the right of the field.
- In the "Follow-up Assigned To" field, enter the first or last name of the CERVIS user that will be taking the required action to contact the volunteer from step 4 to answer their question or resolve their issue, then click on their name when it appears. This field will perform a lookup of users with either the Administrator, Leadership Team, or Group Leader access level only.
- In the "Follow-up Description" field, enter a brief description of what the follow-up assignment is regarding.
- Click the Assign Follow-up button to complete the assignment.
Once the follow-up assignment has been created, when the user from step 5 above logs in to their CERVIS account, the icon next to “View / Manage Volunteer Follow-up” on the Main Dashboard will be glowing to notify them of the required follow-up action(s).
To REASSIGN a follow-up action to a different staff member, follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on the View/Manage Volunteer Follow-up link under the "Volunteer Management" section of the Main Dashboard.
- To re-assign one Follow-up at a time, click on the Reassign Follow-up icon (
) in the "Follow-up Assigned To" column next to the current staff member to whom the follow-up is assigned.
- To re-assign multiple Follow-ups to the same individual at one time click the box next to each volunteer and click on the Reassign Follow-Up Action button found at the bottom.
- To re-assign one Follow-up at a time, click on the Reassign Follow-up icon (
- Select the Administrator, Leadership Team member, or Group Leader to whom you would like to assign it from the selection list.
- Click Reassign Follow-up to complete the action.
To COMPLETE the follow-up action when it has been performed, the assigned user will need to follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on the View/Manage Volunteer Follow-up link under the "Volunteer Management" section of the Main Dashboard.
- Click the checkbox(es) for each follow-up item that has been completed and needs to be closed.
- NOTE: CERVIS users with the Administrator access level will be able to view and manage all pending follow-up actions present in the system. CERVIS users assigned either the Leadership Team or Group Leader access levels will only be able to view and manage follow-up actions assigned directly to them.
- Enter a brief description of what actions were done to complete the follow-up action in the "Follow-up Notes" box.
- Click the Complete Follow-up Action button to mark the follow-up action as closed. Once the follow-up action has been closed, the follow-up will be removed from this list, and a note will be added to the "Notes" section on the volunteer's profile with information regarding who completed the follow-up and what action was taken.
Additional actions can be taken by selecting one, some, or all of the volunteers in your listing and clicking the button to Send E-mail or clicking on the Manage Selected Volunteers button. This will take you to a listing of those selected volunteers allowing you to take additional actions in bulk like updating profiles and adding Checklist Items.
Besides manually creating a volunteer follow-up, there are also options for volunteer follow-ups to be automatically created. These options can be found in the System Settings section of the “System Configuration” and are listed below:
- Auto-Assign Follow-up for New Volunteers: By selecting Yes, a volunteer follow-up will automatically be created every time a new volunteer creates a profile. The follow-up will be assigned to the person whose name is selected in the box.
- Send Auto E-mail Notification of Follow-up Assignment: By selecting Yes, an email will automatically be sent to the person who has a new follow-up action assigned to them. The action will notify them of this new follow-up and prompt them to login to CERVIS and complete it. By selecting No, the person who has a new follow-up action assigned to them will be notified the next time they log into CERVIS by the icon next to “View / Manage Volunteer Follow-up” on the Main Dashboard glowing, and not an email.
- Interest Category Contact Person Notification Method: By selecting Assign CERVIS Follow-up, when a volunteer adds a new Interest Category to their profile, a volunteer follow-up is automatically assigned to the Interest Category Contact Person. To add or update the Interest Category Contact Person, follow the steps to update and Interest Category in the Knowledge Base Article HERE.