I get a browser pop-up message stating that there is both secure and nonsecure content on the page every time I visit a page in my CERVIS account. How do I fix this?
Although this message may look slightly different depending on what web browser vendor and version you are using, it will usually display a warning that there is both secure and nonsecure / unsecure web content or items on the page you are trying to view. Within CERVIS, this message is caused when an image is referenced in an html content window (such as the organization logo or event description box) by starting with "http://" instead of "https://". Since CERVIS is an SSL secured web application, all html references to images and other files must start with "https://" to avoid this warning message.
If the warning is displayed on every single page, it is most likely the result of an improperly referenced organization logo. Instructions on how to update the logo correctly can be found HERE.
"This page contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you want to display the nonsecure items?"
"Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?"
"Mixed content warning."