How can I find an event in CERVIS after it has been closed?
CERVIS will automatically change the Opportunity Status to "Closed" after the end date/time of the opportunity passes. This field can also be manually updated. Either way, once an opportunity is marked as Closed, it will no longer be visible to your volunteers and you can only see it on the admin side if you search for it.
To find a closed opportunity, follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on the "Search/Manage Existing Opportunities" link under the "Opportunity Management" section of the Main Dashboard.
- Select the "Find Closed Opportunities" radio button under the "Advanced Options" section near the top of the page. Optionally, if you know the name of the opportunity you are are looking for, you can also search for it specifically using the search bar at the top of the page.