I just created a new event within CERVIS but it is not showing up on the event registration page. How do I resolve this?
To troubleshoot why an opportunity is not appearing in the list of opportunities available for registration, please follow the instructions below:
Login to your CERVIS account.
Click on the "Search/Manage Existing Opportunities" link under the "Opportunity Management" section of the Main Dashboard.
Locate the opportunity in question in the list of opportunities and click on the “Update / Edit Opportunity” icon (
) to the left of the name.
Please note that the default view for this listing is to show only currently open opportunities. If your opportunity has been closed, either accidentally or automatically because the end date has passed, you will have to select the "Show Closed Opportunities" option under the Advanced Options header or search for the opportunity specifically in order to see it.
Check if the "Opportunity Type" is a "Service Project" because they can be displayed on a different webpage so they may not appear as part of your main event listing depending on how the "Display Service Projects on Event Listing Page (Pre-login)" field is set in the System Settings section of your System Configuration.
Verify that the "End Date/Time" is set to a date and time in the future. (For Time Slot events, verify that the latest slot date for the event is set to a date in the future.) This is very important because CERVIS will automatically close opportunities after their end date has passed and it will no longer show up in the event registration list.
Check that there are no restrictions in place for the fields that allow you to limit visibility. You can limit visibility based on Background Check, Custom Fields, Groups, and Checklist Items. Check to see that any field that says, “Limit Visibility using _______ Restriction(s” is set to “No”.
Ensure the "Publish Online" field is either set to "Yes - Open", "Yes - Closed", "Yes - Canceled", "Yes - Coming Soon", or "Yes - Contact Us". Note: only "Yes - Open" permits volunteers to register for the opportunity.
Ensure that the "Opportunity Status" field is set to "Open".
Click the "Update Opportunity" button to save any changes.