There are 3 different types of opportunities that can be created in CERVIS. Please note that not all types may be available depending on the edition level of CERVIS being used.
Opportunity Types:
Normal Event:
For Normal Events, all volunteers start and end at the same time and everyone has the same job to do. Normal Events can be posted online to your Event Listing & Registration webpage for volunteer registration. As an example, if your opportunity is volunteering at a homeless shelter from 8am to 11am and you need 20 volunteers, then you want to create a Normal Event. You can find additional ideas on how a Normal Event can be used below:
Time Slot Event:
This type of event is perfect for volunteer opportunities that require people to sign up for different shifts. These shifts can be at different times or they can all be at the same time, but each shift is doing something different. For example, if your organization has a booth at a community event from 8am to 2pm and you want volunteers to sign up for 2-hour shifts, then you will want to create a Time Slot Event. You could also use the Time Slot event type for a neighborhood clean-up where you create multiple shifts, all at the same time, but all doing something different (e.g. mowing yards, painting fences, raking, or weeding). Time Slot Events can be posted online to your Event Listing & Registration webpage for volunteer registration.You can find additional ideas on how a Time Slot Event can be used below:
Service Project:
Service Projects are used to track and manage volunteer service hours for specific projects/programs that are ongoing and not necessarily associated with a specific date and time. Service Projects allow volunteers to input their own service hours as they occur, either online, through the Sign-in Console/Kiosk on-location, or even using their own mobile device. For example, if your organization has an ongoing mentoring program where adults meet with and mentor teenagers at different times each week, then you will want to create a Service Project. Instead of establishing a Normal event every time a mentor and teen meet, using a Service Project volunteers will be able to log in weekly and record the date and number of hours they spent mentoring their teenager. You have the option to list Service Project opportunities on their own Service Project webpage, different from your Event Listing & Registration webpage, or you can keep all opportunities listed together on the Event Listing & Registration page. You can find additional ideas on how Service Projects can be used below: