Follow these steps to add, update, or view Checklist Items:
To ADD a new Checklist Item, follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS Account.
- Click on Checklist Item Inventory Management under the “Attribute Management” section of the Main Dashboard.
- Enter the name of the item how you want it to appear in the Checklist Item Name field.
- Optionally add a Checklist Item Description if this item needs more explanation. Please Note: If the Checklist Item Type (described below) is set to "Public", this will be displayed to your volunteers in an info box.
- Set the Checklist Item Auto Assign field to "Yes" if you want this task or item to be assigned to every volunteer when a new profile is created. Leave this as “No” if you prefer to manually assign this task to certain volunteers.
- Set the Checklist Item Type to “Public” or “Private”. “Public” means that a checklist item and its completion status are visible to your volunteers. “Private” means that they are only visible from the administrative perspective. Regardless, only those with Group Leader, Leadership Team, or Administrator access can make changes to a volunteer's checklist item.
- The Checklist Item Due Date field allows you to set a time frame after which an item will automatically be considered overdue if it has not been completed.
- The Linked Award field optionally allows you to select one of the manual awards in your system that will be automatically assigned to the volunteer upon completion of the checklist item. For information about creating awards, see the article linked HERE.
To VIEW the list of existing Checklist Items, scroll to the bottom portion of the page under the “Checklist Item Inventory” heading.
To UPDATE an existing Checklist Item, select the checkbox to the left of the item and click Update Selected Checklist Item. Update the information in the fields on the top of the page then select Update Checklist Item to save your changes. Or select Cancel Update if you do not wish to proceed with the update.
To REMOVE one or more Checklist Items, select the checkbox to the left of the item and click Remove Selected Checklist Item(s). Note: This will permanently remove any associated data on volunteer profiles.
You can also SEARCH for volunteers based on Checklist Items through this menu using the buttons located next to each item. More robust searches can be performed through the Advanced Volunteer Search, if needed. Please see below for a description of each of the search icons in this menu:
Full Search: this search will show you any volunteers who are assigned this particular item in his/her profile.
ONLY Search: this search will show you all volunteers who are assigned only this particular item in his/her profile.
NULL Search: this search will show you volunteers who are NOT assigned this particular item in his/her profile.
For instructions on how to manage the checklist on an individual volunteer’s profile, please follow the steps in the knowledge base article HERE.