To run reports within CERVIS, please follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS account.
- Click on the Report Management link under the "Volunteer Management" section of the Main Dashboard.
- Enter the date range for the data you would like included in the report.
- Note that not all reports will use the date range:
- This icon (
) next to the report name denotes that the time frame is required for the report.
- This icon (
) next to the report name denotes that the time frame is not used for the report.
- Select the format for the report. Reports can be run in either Document (Microsoft Word) or Spreadsheet (.csv) format.
- Select the options you desire for the selected report type and click the Run Report button.
The following is a listing of available reports and their descriptions:
- Custom Participation Report (Spreadsheet Only): This report has a number of different options that provides a lot of flexibility in the information that is displayed. It can only be run in a spreadsheet format. This report requires a date range. For more information about this report option, please view our tutorial video HERE.
- Query: Select the volunteers and events that you would like displayed on the report.
- Volunteer:
- All Volunteers: Displays all active volunteers in the database.
- Previous Volunteer Search: Displays volunteers from a search that was run from the Volunteer Management Dashboard. To learn more about all of the Advanced Search options that are available, CLICK HERE.
- Hide Individual Volunteers: Displays only bulk Group registrations.
- Saved Volunteer Search: Displays volunteers based on Saved Searches found in the Volunteer Management Dashboard. This will only display options if you have a Saved Search in the Volunteer Management Dashboard.
- Opportunity:
- All Opportunities: Displays information for all events.
- Previous Opportunity Search: Displays information from a search that was run from the Opportunity Management Dashboard.
- Group:
- Hide Group Activity: This option will not include bulk, anonymous registrations done for groups of volunteers.
- Include Group Activity: This option will include bulk, anonymous registrations done for groups of volunteers.
- Previous Group Search: This option displays information from the most recent search that was run from the Group Management menu.
- Reservation:
- All Registrations: This option will include all registered volunteers.
- Previous Reservation Search: This option displays information from the most recent search that was run from the Reservation Management menu.
- Detail: Specification of how much detail the report will include.
- High: Displays fields for both volunteer profile information and event/project information.
- Low: Displays only fields for volunteer information as well as the number of times and hours served.
- Group By: Allows you to determine how your results will be listed.
- Volunteer: Will list your results in alphabetical order by volunteer.
- Opportunity: Will list your results in date order by opportunity within the date range at the top of the page.
- Report Field Selection: Select the fields that you would like to be displayed on the report. Note that event fields will only be displayed if you select the ‘High’ Detail field. You cannot deselect Volunteer Name or Opportunity Hours.
- Event/Project Participation Report: This report displays a listing of volunteer participation broken down by each specific event between two specified dates. This report requires a date range.
- Event Name (Keyword): You can optionally enter a keyword from an event or events to only see a specific subset of your events.
- Detail: Specification of how much detail the report will entail.
- High: Displays and subtotals every volunteer sorted by event.
- Low: Displays and totals by event.
- Reservation Code (Spreadsheet Only): Lists reservation codes for events along with the Associated Group and Description of the reservation.
- Staff Planning (Spreadsheet Only): Lists dates and time frames and displays the number of volunteers arriving at the different times.
- Waitlist: Displays Waitlisted volunteers along with the events and shifts for which they are waitlisted.
- Registration Request: Displays all open event registration requests that haven't been processed.
- Volunteer Participation Report: This report displays a listing of volunteer participation broken down by individual volunteer between two specified dates. This report requires a date range.
- Last Name: Specify volunteer last name to search for. Can be used in conjunction with “First Name” or leaving “First Name” blank will match ALL first names.
- First Name: Specify volunteer first name to search for. Can be used in conjunction with “Last Name” or leaving “Last Name” blank will match ALL last names.
- Detail: Specification of how much detail the report will entail.
- High: Displays and subtotals every event sorted by volunteer.
- Low: Displays and totals by volunteer.
- Schedule: Displays each volunteer's schedule on a separate page. This option works great for a week-long event where volunteers are serving multiple times over the week. At initial check-in, you can provide each volunteer with their volunteering schedule, which includes dates, times, location, and event organizers for each scheduled event.
- Show Active: Only shows information for volunteers who have had volunteer participation during the specified date range.
- Show All: Shows information for all volunteers regardless of their volunteer participation during the specified date range.
- Group Participation Report: This report displays a listing of volunteer participation broken down by group membership between two specified dates. This report requires a date range.
- Group Field: Listing of Groups defined within your account which allows you to leave this field blank to include "All Groups" or use the “Group Lookup” to choose an individual group.
- Detail: Specification of how much detail the report will entail.
- High: Displays and subtotals every event for every volunteer sorted by group.
- Medium: Displays and subtotals every volunteer sorted by group.
- Low: Displays and totals by group.
- Roster: Displays a complete listing of volunteers sorted by group.
- Show Active: Only shows information for volunteers who have had volunteer participation during the specified date range.Show All: Shows information for all volunteers regardless of their volunteer participation during the specified date range.
- Interest Category Participation Report: This report displays a listing of volunteer participation broken down by Interest Category assignment between two specified dates. This report requires a date range.
- Category: Listing of interest categories defined within your account which allows selection of "Show All" or an individual category. Selection of a category will also display results for any configured sub-category.
- Detail: Specification of how much detail the report will entail.
- High: Displays and subtotals every event for every volunteer sorted by category.
- Medium: Displays and subtotals every volunteer sorted by category.
- Low: Displays and totals by category.
- Primary: Displays information for the categories when they are listed as the Primary Category for an event.
- Secondary: Displays information for the categories when they are listed as the Secondary Category for an event.
- Both: Displays information for all categories.
- Yearly Participation Summary Report (by month): This report displays a listing of volunteer participation broken down by month of a specified year. This report does not use a date range.
- Year: Select the desired year for the report. This field will display the current year and the previous 9 years for selection.
- Detail: Specification of how much detail the report will entail.
- High: Displays and subtotals every volunteer for every event sorted by month.
- Medium: Displays and subtotals every event sorted by month.
- Low: Displays and totals by month.
- Volunteer Retention Report (Spreadsheet Only): This report provides you with the total number of active volunteers in each of the last 5 years, as well as the percentage of those volunteers who have participated with you again in subsequent years. This report does not use a date range.
- E-mail Analytics Summary: This report displays the analytics information for all emails that were sent within the dates specified at the top of the page. This report requires a date range. This report includes the following:
- The date the email was sent.
- The subject of the email.
- The CERVIS user who sent the email.
- The number of recipients.
- The number of recipients that read the message.
- The number of recipients that clicked on a link in the email (if there was one).
- The number of recipients who unsubscribed from further communication through this email.
- The read rate, which is the percentage of recipients who opened the email.
- The click rate, which is the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link in the email.
- The unsubscribe rate, which is the percentage of recipients who unsubscribed from further communication through this email.
- Checklist Status Report (Spreadsheet Only): This report allows you to download a spreadsheet of the Checklist Item data for your volunteers. It will display the selected checklist items for all volunteers as well as the volunteer profile information that you select. This report does not use a date range.
- Query: Use a previous volunteer search as the starting query for this search. This allows you to limit the volunteers that are displayed in this report. To learn more about all of the Advanced Search options that are available, CLICK HERE.
- Detail: Specification of how much detail the report will entail.
- High: displays the Checklist Item Name, Status, Due Date, Completed Date, Expiration Date, and Motes for each volunteer.
- Medium: displays the Checklist Item Name, Status, Due Date, Completed Date for each volunteer.
- Low: displays the Checklist Item name and the Status for each volunteer.
- Award Recipient Report: This report displays a listing of all of the volunteers who received the particular award or awards you select within the date range you define at the top of the page. This report is sorted by award in alphabetical order. This report requires a date range.
- New Volunteer Report: This report displays a listing of all volunteer profiles added to your system between two specified dates. Report is sorted by volunteer last name. This report requires a date range.
- CERVIS Permission Level Report: This report displays a listing of all users in your account with access level permissions other than "Volunteer". This report is sorted by "Administrator", "Leadership Team", "Event Leader", and "Group Leader" then by last name. This report does not use a date range.
- Volunteer Summary Report by Custom Field Value: This report displays a listing of volunteers who have been assigned different values for the custom fields that have been configured for your account. This will be different for each organization and is dependent on which custom field is selected before running the report. This report does not use a date range.
- Custom Field: Select the desired Custom Field for the report.
- Detail: Specification of how much detail the report will entail.
- High: Displays the Custom Field with corresponding options and lists all the volunteers with their response.
- Low: Displays the Custom Field with corresponding options with total cumulative responses to the options.
- Volunteer Participation Report by Custom Field Value: This report displays a listing of volunteers who have been assigned different values for the custom fields that have been configured for your account as well as the number of hours completed by volunteers within the date range selected at the top of the page. This will be different for each organization and is dependent on which custom field is selected before running the report. This report requires a date range.
- Custom Field: Select the desired Custom Field for the report.
- Detail: Specification of how much detail the report will entail.
- High: Displays the Custom Field with corresponding options and lists the volunteers along with contact information, name and date of events participated in, number of events participated in, and hours.
- Medium: Displays the Custom Field with corresponding options and lists the volunteers along with contact information, number of events participated in, and hours.
- Low: Displays the Custom Field with corresponding options and totals of volunteers along with the number of events those volunteers participated in and total hours.
If there are other reports that you would like to see added to the system, please feel free to let us know by filling out a new feature request HERE.