There are two different ways that you can review applications for Service Projects. The first way is in the project itself, and the other option is to review applications for multiple projects from the Main Dashboard.
Follow these steps to review applications for a particular service project:
- Click on the "Search/Manage Existing Opportunities" link under the "Opportunity Management" section of the Main Dashboard.
- Locate the Service Project in question in the list of opportunities and click on the “Review Open Service Project Applications” icon (
- Note that this icon will only appear if there are pending applications for this project.
- Select the application request by clicking the check box to the left of the Application Date.
- To review the volunteer's information before approving/disapproving their application, click on the “eye” icon (
) next to the volunteer's name to view their profile details in a pop-up window.
- From the “Send Automatic User Notification E-mail?” selection box, determine whether or not you’d like the system to send an automatic email letting the volunteer know that their application was approved or disapproved.
- Note: The introductory paragraphs to these messages can be edited in the "E-mail Message Content" section of the System Configuration.
- -- EITHER -- Select “Approve Application” to approve the request.
- Once the registration request has been approved, a message in green reading “Service Project Application Successfully Approved!” will appear at the top of your screen.
- Once approved, the volunteer will be registered for the Service Project.
- -- OR -- Select “Disapprove Application” to disapprove the request.
- Once the registration request has been disapproved, a message in green reading “Service Project Application Successfully Disapproved!” will appear at the top of your screen.
- When disapproved, the volunteer will be removed from this menu and a note will be placed in their profile that they were disapproved for this project and by whom.
Follow these steps to review applications for multiple Service Projects at one time:
- From the CERVIS Main Dashboard, select “Review Open Service Project Applications” from the Opportunity Management list. (Please note this option will only be visible if there are applications for you to review.)
- See steps 3 through 6 above to approve or disapprove the applications.
Please note that only users with “Administrative” or unrestricted “Leadership Team” access to the system have full access to this menu. Restricted “Leadership Team”, “Group Leaders” and “Event Leaders” will only see the volunteers that are in their purview in this menu.
Also note that only applications for “Open” Service Projects will appear in these menus.