You can access all of the volunteers that are in your database by selecting “Search/Manage Volunteers Database” under the Volunteer Management heading on the Main Dashboard. This is where you can search for specific volunteers or groups of volunteers, send mass emails, print name tags or address labels, export volunteer data or do bulk updates.
You can also individually manage volunteers from this menu. You can click on the shortcut buttons next to the volunteer’s name to view/update their profile, register/unregister the volunteer for events, manage their checklist items and more.
Follow these steps to search or manage your volunteers:
- You can search your volunteer database in a variety of different ways.
- Select your preferred search method under the Standard Options heading (i.e. Volunteer Name or E-mail).
- Type in the related information (i.e. Smith) in the search box, and select “Search Volunteer Database”.
- Note: To view your entire volunteer database leave the search box blank and select “Search Volunteer Database”.
- A list will be generated of all volunteers who match your search (i.e. everyone who has Smith in their Volunteer Name or E-mail).
- In order to locate a volunteer or group of volunteers meeting very specific criteria (i.e. volunteers who have passed their background check and/or have the skills to perform a specific task and/or have served a certain number of times), select “Advanced Search”.
- Choose as few or as many criteria as you would like and select “Search Volunteer Database”. (For details on all of the options in the Advanced Search, CLICK HERE.)
- To start over with a blank search, select “Clear Search Selections” at the bottom of the page.
- To run a report on all duplicate entries in the database, select “Find Duplicate Volunteer Profiles” and a listing of all duplicate entries will appear.
- Note: If there are three John Brown’s listed, the system does not know if this is three different people in the system or if the same person created three different accounts. You will have to make this determination. Also, the system only reports a duplicate entry when the names are exactly the same. The system does not know that Pamela and Pam are the same name so it will not report these as a duplicate entry when running this report.
- To run a report on all volunteers with a file attachment, select “Find Volunteers with File Attachments”.
- Note: An organization is limited to 200 MB of storage space for file attachments.
- To run a report on all volunteers with a photo attachment, select “Find Volunteers with Photo Attachments”.
- In order to manage a volunteer's record, choose one of the volunteers from the list by clicking on the blue, red, yellow or green “person” icon to the left of the volunteer's name.
- Select one of the following options:
- Update Volunteer Information for [Volunteer’s Name] in order to modify the volunteer's personal information (i.e. Volunteer Address, Volunteer Age Group, Current Release on File, etc.).
- Make any necessary changes to the volunteer's information or add a note. Notes can be added regarding the volunteer by typing the information into the smaller text box at the bottom of the page, then selecting “Add Note”.
- Once the changes have been made, select “Update Volunteer Information”.
- View Volunteer Details for [Volunteer’s Name] in order to view all of the volunteer's profile information including all attributes (Interest Categories, Groups, etc.), previous emails and SMS messages (if enabled) sent to the volunteer, and volunteer notes. This page does not allow you to modify volunteer information like the previous option.
- Send E-mail to [Volunteer’s Name] in order to E-mail the volunteer.
- The reply E-mail address is automatically populated with the E-mail address of the user who is logged into the system.
- You will be given the opportunity to include Additional Recipients, an E-mail Subject, an E-mail Message, and up to 4 attachments.
- When the E-mail is complete, select “Send E-mail”.
- Register [Volunteer’s Name] for an Event in order to register or unregister the volunteer for an event(s).
- To register for an event, choose the “Event Name/Date” from the drop-down box, then select “Register [Volunteer’s Name] for this Event”.
- To unregister from an event, choose one or more of the events the volunteer is currently registered for by clicking on the box to the left of the Event Date & Time (a check-mark will appear once selected), then click “Unregister Selected” at the bottom of the page.
- Create and Register [Volunteer’s Name] for “Quick Event” in order to quickly log volunteer hours that are not associated with a specific event.
- This allows you to still capture the hours volunteered, but not spend the extra time creating an event, writing a description and meeting location, etc.
- View Events [Volunteer’s Name] is Registered for in order to see a list of events the volunteer is currently registered for.
- You may also register or unregister the volunteer for events on this screen.
- Add/View Volunteer Service Project Hours in order to add,view, or modify volunteer service project hours for a specific volunteer.
- To adjust volunteer service project hours that were previously recorded, click on the arrows next to the Service Hours for that entry.
- To remove volunteer service project hours that were previously recorded, click on the box next to the entry you wish to delete and click “Remove Selected Log Entry” at the bottom of the page.
- View/Update Groups in order to modify the volunteer's groups.
- To add a group, click on the box to the left of the group name(s) (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select “Add Selected Groups to [Volunteer’s Name]”.
- To remove a group, choose one or more of the groups the volunteer currently has listed by clicking on the box to the left of the Group Name (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select “Remove Selected Group”.
- View/Update Interest Categories in order to modify the volunteer's interests.
- To add an interest, click on the box to the left of the interest category name(s) (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select “Add Selected Interest Categories to [Volunteer’s Name])”.
- To remove an interest, choose one or more of the interest categories the volunteer currently has listed by clicking on the box to the left of the Interest Category Name (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select “Remove Selected Categories”.
- View/Update Skills in order to modify the volunteer's skills.
- To add one or more skills, click on the box to the left of the skill name(s) (a check-mark will appear once selected), and choose the volunteer's skill level pertaining to the specified skills from the selection box, then select “Assign Skill(s) to [Volunteer’s Name]”.
- To remove a skill, choose one or more of the skills the volunteer currently has listed by clicking on the box to the left of the Skill Code (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select “Remove Selected Skill(s)”.
- To update the skill level (if enabled in your system), choose one or more of the skills the volunteer currently has listed by clicking on the box to the left of the Skill Code (a check-mark will appear once selected), and choose the updated skill level from the drop-down box at the bottom of the page, then select “Update Selected Skills To”.
- View/Update Equipment Items in order to modify the volunteer's available equipment.
- To add one or more pieces of equipment, click on the box to the left of the equipment name(s) (a check-mark will appear once selected), add any additional notes, then select “Assign Equipment to [Volunteer’s Name]”.
- To remove a piece of equipment, choose one or more of the items the volunteer currently has listed by clicking on the box to the left of the Item Code (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select “Remove Selected Equipment”.
- View/Update Availability in order to modify the volunteer's available times.
- To add an availability, click on the box to the left of the availability name(s) (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select “Assign Availability to [Volunteer’s Name]”.
- To remove an availability, choose one or more of the availabilities the volunteer currently has listed by clicking on the box to the left of the Availability Name (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select “Remove Selected Availability”.
- View/Update Volunteer Checklist in order to update checklist items on a volunteer’s profile.
- To mark an item as completed, choose “Complete” from the “Item Status” dropdown. Then select the date the item was completed in the “Date Completed” field. If this item has an expiration date, you may add it in the “Exp Date” field and if there are any notes, you may enter those in the “Notes” field. To save changes, click “Update Volunteer Checklist” from the bottom of the page.
- To update multiple items at once, select the check boxes to the right of the items you wish to update. “Click Display Bulk Update Options” under the Checklist Items. Enter the information you would like to update, one item at a time and select the “Bulk Update” button for each item to update it.
- View/Update File Attachments in order to attach a file to a volunteer’s profile.
- To attach a file to a volunteer’s profile, select “Choose File” and select “Open” in the pop-up box.
- Select “Upload New File Attachment (XX.XX MB Remaining)”.
- If the file has attached to the volunteer’s profile successfully, you will receive a message at the top of the screen in green stating “File Attachment Successfully Uploaded.”
- If the file attachment was unsuccessful, you will receive an error message at the top of the screen in red stating “Error: Please ensure that you have selected a file smaller than 3 MB!”
- Note: File attachments can be seen by people with Administrator, Leadership Team, or Group Leader access only. Additionally, each organization has a total of 200 MB of storage for all of their attachments. There is no limit to a volunteer profile’s storage capacity, just a total organization limit of 200 MB.
- To remove a file from a volunteer’s profile, check the box next to the item(s) you would like to remove then click “Remove Selected Attachment(s)”.
- Create New Volunteer and Duplicate Profile Information from [Volunteer’s Name] in order to create a new volunteer with the same contact information as the volunteer you selected.
- Add the Volunteer’s First Name, verify the duplicated data and add/edit any additional data and select “Create Volunteer Profile”.
- Once the volunteer has been successfully added, a message in green reading “Success! This Volunteer has been added! CLICK HERE to manage this Volunteer or add a new Volunteer below.” will appear at the top of your screen.
- If you try to add a volunteer who already exists in the system, a message in red reading “ERROR! This Volunteer already exists in the system!” will appear at the bottom of your screen.
- Assume Identity of [Volunteer’s Name] within CERVIS in order to view CERVIS from the perspective of this profile.
- This option is helpful for viewing CERVIS from different access levels or troubleshooting a volunteer's question.
- Any actions taken while assuming the identity of an individual will take place as if that individual had completed the action. This includes registering for events and updating volunteer information.
- Note: This option is only available for those with Leadership Team or Administrator access to the system.
- Delete [Volunteer’s Name] from CERVIS to completely delete the volunteer.
- Once selected, a warning message in red reading “Are you absolutely certain that you want to completely delete this Volunteer from CERVIS? Deleting a Volunteer will erase all records of event participation and any other information recorded for the Volunteer. If the Volunteer is no longer active in your organization, it might be a better idea to simply mark them as "inactive" in Volunteer management dashboard. Deleting a Volunteer should mainly be used for removing duplicate Volunteer entries.” will appear as a pop up on your screen. You have the option to select “Yes, Proceed with Delete” or “No, Cancel & Return”.
- If you select “Yes, Proceed with Delete”, the volunteer will be permanently deleted.
- If you select “No, Cancel & Return”, it will take you back to the Volunteer Management screen, and the volunteer will not be deleted.
- Note: A volunteer can only be deleted if he or she is not registered for any events. To delete a volunteer who is registered for events you must first unregister him/her from all of the events.
- In order to view a volunteer's details in a pop-up window, click on the ‘eye’ icon to the left of the volunteer’s name.
- In order to E-mail an individual volunteer, you can click on the email icon to the left of their name or to E-mail a group of volunteers, choose the volunteers from the list by clicking on the box to the left of their name (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select Send E-mail.
- You will be given the opportunity to include Additional Recipients, an E-mail Subject, an E-mail Message, and up to 4 attachments (1 MB limit each).
- All E-mails are sent from the E-mail address you designated in the “System Configuration”. You are given the option to designate which E-mail address the reply E-mails are sent to by choosing an E-mail next to "Send Replies to this E-mail.” When an E-mail recipient hits the reply button, it will reply to the email address that you have selected. Additionally, you have the option to display all the recipients of the E-mail by selecting “TO:” or hiding them from all of the recipients by selecting “BCC:” Please note that if you select the “TO:” option, an E-mail recipient can then hit “Reply to All” and E-mail everyone who received the initial E-mail. Depending on the circumstance, this can be positive or negative.
- When the E-mail is complete, select “Send E-mail”.
- Once the E-mail has been successfully sent, you will be returned to the Volunteer Management Dashboard and a message in green reading “E-mail Message Successfully Sent!” will appear at the top of your screen.
- In order to print address labels for a volunteer or group of volunteers, choose one or more of the volunteers from the list by clicking on the box to the left of their name (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select Address Labels. A download of a word document will begin automatically.
- In order to print name tags for a volunteer or group of volunteers, choose one or more of the volunteers from the list by clicking on the box to the left of their name (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select Name Tags.
- This will automatically begin downloading a Word document with the first name and first initial of the last name of each volunteer selected.
- The name tags are designed for Avery 5395 (or equivalent) labels.
- In order to print a PDF of volunteer profile information for a volunteer or group of volunteers, choose one or more of the volunteers from the list by clicking on the box to the left of their name (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select PDF.
- The PDF will begin downloading automatically and will include the volunteers’ email address, primary phone number, address and t-shirt size (it will include less if you are not tracking address or t-shirt size.)
- In order to download a data export of volunteer profile information for a volunteer or group of volunteers, choose one or more of the volunteers from the list by clicking on the box to the left of their name (a check-mark will appear once selected), then select Spreadsheet.
- You can also perform a data export of all volunteers in your system by leaving the search field blank and clicking Search Volunteer Database to show all of your volunteers. Click the check box in the heading (next to the “Actions” column) to select all volunteers in your database, then select Spreadsheet.
- This .csv file contains all of the information that you have stored on volunteer’s profiles.
- In order to update the information for multiple volunteers at once, choose volunteers from the list by clicking on the box to the left of their name (a check-mark will appear once selected) or all of the volunteers in your search by clicking the check box in the heading (next to the “Actions” column), then select Bulk Update.
- This will take you to a screen where you can select from many aspects of the selected volunteers’ profiles to update simultaneously. For example, if a family that volunteers with you just moved, you can select “Volunteer Address” click “Select Item(s) to Bulk Update” at the bottom of the page and update their addresses all at one time.