You have the ability to create and track up to 10,000 Equipment items. As volunteers create their profile they can select their own Equipment items, or they can be added to a volunteer’s profile by someone with Administrator, Leadership Team, or Group Leader access. Some organizations choose not to track any Equipment while others have an extensive list of Equipment that they track for their volunteers. You can also rename this inventory in the System Configuration if you would like to track something other than equipment.
By tracking Equipment for each volunteer, you can easily run a search for volunteers with a specific Equipment item or several Equipment items. Since every one of our customers is different, CERVIS is not pre-populated with Equipment items. This allows you to add the specific items that are most relevant to your organization. Examples of commonly tracked Equipment items are a pick-up truck, delivery truck, trailer, chainsaw, snow blower, lawn mower, riding lawn mower, etc. To give you some more Equipment ideas, we’ve attached a document to this article (see “Equipment Items Listing” link below) which is a more comprehensive Equipment listing.
When adding new Equipment in CERVIS, you will give it a 4-digit number which we refer to as the Equipment Code. In the System Configuration, you can set how volunteers will view the Equipment List - either alphabetically or numerically by Equipment Code. Organizations that sort by the Code typically do so in order to group different types of equipment together. For example, the 1000s represent tools, the 2000s represent vehicles, the 3000s represent maintenance equipment, etc. In the System Configuration, you can also choose whether the Equipment Code is visible to volunteers or is hidden.
For information about how to add, update, or view equipment inventory follow the link HERE.