Follow these steps to add, update, or view Groups from the Group Management menu:
To ADD a new Group, review the video or follow the steps below:
- Login to your CERVIS Account.
- Click on “Group Management” under the “Attribute Management” section of the Main Dashboard.
- Click on the “Add New Group” radio button at the top of the page under Standard Options.
- Fill in the “Group Name” field.
- Fill in the “Primary Group Contact” field.
- This should be your main point of contact with the group.
- This person can have any level of access to the system, but giving them “Group Leader” access will essentially make them a mini-administrator for their Group. For more information about this, see the knowledge base article linked here: Listing a User as a Group Contact
- Optionally, fill in the "Alternate Group Contact" field.
- Select the “Group Type” from the selection box.
- “Public” means that the volunteer could self-select that they are a part of this group and see that they are a part of it. This is the most common option for outside groups working with you.
- “Private” means that the volunteer will not see that they are a part of that group. This can be used for internal Groups of volunteers.
- Select the “Group Status” from the selection box.
- You will want to choose “Active” at first then change them to “Inactive” when they are no longer working with you.
- Optionally, add a “Group Note”.
- This can be used for information you want to store about the group or search by later.
- Click the “Add Group” button.
- Once the group has been successfully added, a message in green will appear above the list of existing groups reading “Group successfully added! CLICK HERE to manage this group or add a new group below.” The new group will then appear on the list where it belongs alphabetically based on its Group Name.
To VIEW the list of existing Groups, scroll to the bottom portion of the Group Management page under the “Group Inventory” heading.
To UPDATE an existing Group, choose the Group you want to update from the list by clicking on the check box to the left of the Group name, then select “Update Group” at the bottom of the page.
- You can then make any needed changes to any of the group fields, then select “Update Group”. Once the item has been successfully modified, a message in green reading “Group Updated Successfully” will appear above the list of existing groups.
- If you decide not to make any changes, select “Cancel Update”, and you will be taken back to the Group Management screen, and the item will not be modified.
To REMOVE one or more existing Groups, choose the Group(s) you want to delete from the list by clicking on the check box(es) to the left of the Group name of the Group(s) you want to remove, then select “Remove Groups”.
- Once selected, a warning message will appear at the top of your screen reading: “Are you absolutely certain that you want to delete this group from CERVIS? Deleting this group will completely remove it from the system and from any Volunteer that is assigned to the group. If you need to remove a Volunteer from a group, use the Volunteer management dashboard. Groups should only be deleted from the system if they are no longer needed.” You have the option to select “Yes, Proceed with Delete” or “No, Cancel & Return”.
- If you select “Yes, Proceed with Delete”, the item(s) will be deleted, and a message in green reading “Group(s) Removed Successfully” will appear above the list of existing Groups.
- If you select “No, Cancel & Return”, it will take you back to the Group Management screen, and the item(s) will not be deleted.
You can also SEARCH for volunteers based on Groups through this menu using the buttons located next to each item. More robust searches can be performed through the Advanced Volunteer Search, if needed. Please see below for a description of each of the search icons in this menu:
Full Search: this search will show you any volunteer who has this inventory item in his/her profile.
ONLY Search: this search will show you volunteers who only have this particular item in his/her profile.
NULL Search: this search will show you volunteers who do NOT have this particular item in his/her profile.