The settings you choose in the System Configuration determine what information you collect about your volunteers, what messages appear on various screens, how emails are sent from your organization, what functions are enabled/disabled, and more. Much of the information has been filled out for you with system defaults, but it is important to go through each item and select how you want your CERVIS account to function. You can change the configuration settings at any time, but it is best to set it up with your preferences at the beginning.
To update any information in your System Configuration, click on “Edit System Configuration” under the “System Management” heading on the Main Dashboard. There are nine default sections in your System Configuration that allow you to customize different areas of your console. Depending on if you have enabled SMS/Text messaging, you will also have a section for SMS Gateway (to learn more about enabling texting within CERVIS, click HERE). Each section has two buttons at the bottom: “Main Dashboard” and “Update Configuration”. Both buttons will return you to the Main Dashboard, but only “Update Configuration” will save your changes and it will save the changes for the entire page, not just a particular section.
Select the section that you would like to read about from the list below: