The majority of the E-mail Message Content section of the System Configuration is where you can customize the introductory paragraphs or “Welcome Messages” to different automated emails throughout CERVIS. See below for more details about each of the options in this section.
- Event Registration Confirmation E-mail Message: This is the message that will be emailed to a volunteer when they sign up for an event in your system. This message should be general and apply to all of your events. Below this message, the email will also contain all of the details for the event including the event name, description, meeting location, date, time, event organizer, and more.
- Event Registration Reminder E-mail Message: This is the message which is displayed at the top of the registration reminder emails that can be sent to volunteers. This email will contain the same event information as the confirmation email, the only difference is this message at the top.
- Include direct ‘Cancel Registration’ link in Event Registration Confirmation and Reminder E-mail Messages: Select whether or not you want to include a link in the event registration confirmation and reminder messages to allow volunteers to unregister for the event without having to login. A volunteer will always have the ability to login to their profile and unregister regardless of this setting.
- Event Organizer Reminder E-mail Message: This is the message which is displayed at the top of the registration reminder emails that can be sent to Event Organizers. Included below this message will be the name of the event, the date and time, the number of registrations out of the number needed, and links to download the sign-in sheet for the event directly from the email.
- Event Participation Thank You E-mail Message Subject: Custom thank you message subject line which is sent to volunteers after they have participated in an event.
- Event Participation Thank You E-mail Message: Custom thank you message which is sent to volunteers after they have participated in an event. You may use the variable ##fname## in the message so that the first name of the volunteer will appear in the automatic message. This message should be general and apply to all of your events, not just a specific event.
- Group Reservation Confirmation E-mail Message: This is a message that will be sent to the Group Contact when they complete a reservation for their group. You will only see this option if you have the “Allow Group Self-Registration” field set to “Yes - Reserve Only” in the System Settings section.
- Event Registration Request Submitted E-mail Message: This is a message that will be sent to a volunteer when they submit a request to be registered for an event which has “Require Approval of Volunteer Self-registration” enabled.
- Private Registration Code Invitation E-mail Message: This is the message which is displayed at the top of the prefabricated Registration Code email message.
- Enable Profile Creation Confirmation Message: Select whether or not to send an automatic email confirmation message to volunteers when a volunteer profile is created in the system.
- If your volunteers don’t create a password upon creation of their profile (which is a setting in “System Settings”), set this field to “Yes” and the email will include a temporary password for the volunteer to use the first time they log into the system.
- If your volunteers create a password upon creation of their profile (which is a setting in System Settings), set this field to “Off” or “Activation”. In this case, the system will automatically send a separate Activation Verification email which will verify their email address is correct. You can add text to this email using the “Activation” setting.
- Profile Creation Confirmation Message: Custom automatic email confirmation message that will be sent when a volunteer profile is created that can include their temporary password. Available variables [First Name - ##fname##] [Password - ##password##]
- Service Project Application Automatic Approval Message: Custom message that will be included in the automatic approval email for approved Service Project applications.
- Service Project Application Automatic Disapproval Message: Custom message that will be included in the automatic disapproval email for disapproved Service Project applications.
- Background Check E-mail Message: Customizable message that is sent to a volunteer when a background check is requested for them. This message is only visible when you have enabled our Background Check Integration functionality. For more information on this, see the knowledge base article linked HERE.
- Include E-mail Footer Message: Select whether or not to include an email footer at the bottom of all outgoing email messages. You can choose to include the footer on all emails, only automatic emails, or only manual emails.
- E-mail Footer Message: Custom information message that will be inserted at the bottom of outgoing email messages. This should be generic organization information such as the organization address, and not specific to a particular individual such as a personal signature block.