Welcome to the CERVIS Changelog.
Here you will find our monthly updates, new features, and software updates. All of these are free of charge, automatically added to your system, and are posted here monthly. We invite you to scroll down to read any previous months. As always, if you run into any questions along the way, our Customer Service Support Team is here to help! Simply submit your request here.
CERVIS v12.5.0 - January 18, 2025
ADDED the ability to adjust volunteer service hours for a volunteer registration directly through the volunteer's profile, instead of having to go through the opportunity dashboard.
ADDED the ability to search for volunteers based on the month and day of their start date in the system.
ADDED new sticker icons of 'Binoculars', 'Bird', 'Bucket', 'Flower', 'Gardening', 'Plant', 'Watering Can' and 'Wind' for use in creating opportunity tag stickers.
FIXED an error where the system was not correctly displaying the "Terms & Conditions Date" when that option was selected to be displayed as the "Include the following information in the registration listing for this opportunity".
FIXED an error where a very small number of SMS 'reply via E-mail' replies where not being successfully sent to the intended SMS recipient when the reply was sent using the default E-mail client on Apple mobile devices.
FIXED an error where some emoji characters included in SMS 'reply via E-mail' replies where not being displayed correctly when received by the recipient.
FIXED an error where the system would incorrectly allow an administrator to change the service credit hours to a blank value for a volunteer when adjusting hours logged towards a Service Project.
FIXED an error where the system would display all follow-up actions in the system to restricted Leadership Team users when assuming their identity in the system instead of just the follow-up actions for volunteers they should have access to.
CERVIS v12.4.0 - December 28, 2024
ADDED new option in the system configuration to specify whether or not the system will automatically assign the primary and/or secondary interest category associated with the opportunity to the volunteer profile during registration for the opportunity.
ADDED new option in the system configuration to specify whether or not the system will automatically assign the primary and/or secondary interest category associated with the opportunity to the volunteer profile when applying to participate in an opportunity or with joining the waitlist for an opportunity.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where the tooltip popup could obstruct a clickable URL link when modifying the value of a custom registration question.
CERVIS v12.3.0 - November 30, 2024
ADDED new option to create and manage "Hidden" impact tracking items which allow admins to track impact associated with an opportunity without being visible to, or editable by, volunteers.
UPDATED the CERVIS web services API to version 4.3.0.
FIXED an error where a volunteer may be able to register for slots in a time slot opportunity that requires registration in ALL slots after the first slot in the opportunity has already passed.
FIXED an error where the system would allow a volunteer to cancel the registration of a single time slot in an opportunity that requires registration in all slots within that opportunity.
FIXED an error where the system would, under certain rare conditions, include entries in a volunteer's E-mail message history when the message had not actually been addressed to that volunteer.
FIXED an error where, under specific conditions, the system could display "Project Full" when viewing the details for some service projects while there were still spots available.
FIXED an error where the designated photo for an opportunity could appear with inverted colors when viewing from within the 'view details' pop out in the volunteer portal.
[CERVIS API] Added the ability to include future scheduled opportunities for volunteer results.
[CERVIS API] Added mobile sign in link and registration cancellation link to future scheduled opportunities for volunteer results.
[CERVIS API] Added opportunity status and sign in status to past and scheduled opportunities for volunteer results.
[CERVIS API] Added opportunity location information to past and scheduled opportunities for volunteer results.
CERVIS v12.2.0 - October 26, 2024
ADDED the capability in the volunteer advanced search to find volunteers based on the date range of their most recent service activity logged in the system.
ADDED the ability to manually remove previously accepted Terms & Conditions from a volunteer's profile.
ADDED additional log entries to the system log when manually reordering the waitlist for an opportunity or when removing volunteers from the waitlist for an opportunity.
ADDED additional log entry to the system log when manually removing a pending registration request for an opportunity.
ADDED new award badge icons for 'Coffee', 'Popcorn', and 'Ticket'.
UPDATED the confirmation prompts throughout the system to display custom modal popups instead of basic browser alert popups to improve reliability and increase visual consistency.
UPDATED the wording used in confirmation prompts throughout the system to more clearly and concisely communicate the action being confirmed by the prompt.
FIXED an error where SMS messages would not send under certain scenarios when being sent from the opportunity registration listing page.
FIXED an error where a volunteer may be able to deselect some slots when registering for a time slot opportunity that requires registration in ALL slots, under certain conditions.
FIXED an issue where the total for the 'attachment clicks' E-mail metric may not be incremented correctly for certain E-mail service providers.
CERVIS v12.1.0 - September 21, 2024
ADDED new visual status indicators to the Opportunity Management Dashboard to make it easy to identify the overall opportunity status as well as the publication status for each opportunity with a quick glance.
ADDED functionality to allow users with the 'Administrator' or 'Leadership Team' access level in the system to specify whether or not automatic follow-up actions are assigned when manually creating a volunteer profile in the system.
ADDED 'Last Service Activity Date' field to display the most recent date a volunteer actively participated with the organization. This field can be included at any place where volunteer profile information is viewed, exported, or reported on.
ADDED the ability to include 'Lifetime Hours', 'Lifetime Activity Count' and 'Last Service Activity Date' on the printed sign-in sheets for your opportunities.
ADDED the ability to include 'Lifetime Hours', 'Lifetime Activity Count' and 'Last Service Activity Date' in the organizer notification E-mail for your opportunities.
ADDED new sticker icon and award badge icon of 'Ninja' for use in creating opportunity tag stickers and awards in the system.
MODIFIED the layout of the opportunity registration page in the volunteer portal to make it easier to view the full details of an opportunity when already logged in to the system.
UPDATED the 'Participation Options' section of the Advanced Volunteer Search to allow for searching for participation based on the interest category or tags associated with a desired set of opportunities.
UPDATED the system-calculated values throughout the system that show 'Lifetime Hours' and 'Lifetime Activity Count' for volunteers to only include completed activity and not future scheduled activity.
UPDATED the 'Include the following information in the registration listing for this opportunity' field for opportunities to include the new options of 'Lifetime Hours', 'Lifetime Activity Count' and 'Last Service Activity Date'.
FIXED an error where the system may try to re-register a volunteer for a 'Linked Event' when they have already been registered.
FIXED an error that could occur under some conditions where the sign-in time printed at the bottom of on-demand nametag labels would display as 'null' instead of the correct time.
FIXED an error where the printable view of the Opportunity Management Dashboard calendar was not correctly hiding Service Project opportunities when the main calendar view was configured to hide them.
CERVIS v12.0.0 - August 24, 2024
ADDED functionality to specify a list of volunteer tags that will be automatically assigned to a volunteer's profile when they register for an opportunity.
ADDED new system capability to automatically mark 'no shows' for opportunities.
ADDED the ability to allow or restrict access to the background check functionality for specific 'Administrator' and 'Leadership Team' users.
ADDED functionality to allow volunteers to verify and/or update their profile information and photo during the on-site kiosk sign-in process.
ADDED new option for deleting assigned follow-up actions to accommodate scenarios where neither of the existing "Complete" or "Reassign" options is appropriate, such as when a follow-up is created by accident.
ADDED new on-screen profile photo previews when volunteers are adding, updating, or verifying their profiles so they can preview how their profile photo will appear in the system.
ADDED the ability to send SMS / Text messages to the volunteers registered for an opportunity directly from the Opportunity Registration Listing Page.
ADDED the ability to send SMS / Text messages to the volunteers registered for multiple selected opportunities directly from the Opportunity Management Dashboard.
ADDED new sticker icons of 'Lab' and 'Thumbs Up' for use in creating opportunity tag stickers.
ADDED new award badge icons for 'Fall Leaf', 'Graduation Cap', 'Leaf', 'Ladybug', and 'Trees'.
ENHANCED the profile information verification workflow to allow volunteers to add or update their profile photo during the verification process.
UPDATED the calendar view in the Opportunity Management Dashboard to exclude Service Project Opportunities by default while still displaying scheduled Service Project Activity.
SIMPLIFIED the date picker control used for entering volunteer birth dates to make the process easier to use (especially on mobile devices) and consistent across all device types and browsers.
EXPANDED the Custom Volunteer Selection List Fields to allow for a significant number of additional selection options.
UPDATED the 'Include the following information in the registration listing for this opportunity' field for opportunities to include the new option of 'Terms & Conditions'.
MODIFIED the slot selection screen displayed during the opportunity registration process in the volunteer portal to include the ability to easily view the opportunity description and other opportunity details.
UPDATED the hours values on the volunteer registration listing in the Admin Dashboard to show future hours as 'Scheduled' and not included in the hours total on the page.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error that could occur when using the Advanced Volunteer Search to search for volunteers by a selection box type custom profile field.
FIXED an error where the ##fname## variable may not correctly populate in some scenarios when sending an email to a single individual directly through their profile.
FIXED an error where a volunteer's "Age Group" may not be captured correctly by the system when creating a profile via QuickReg when QuickReg is configured to collect both "Birth Date" and "Age Group".
FIXED an error where the system would not correctly validate the value provided for volunteer custom profile date fields in some scenarios.
CERVIS v11.14.0 - July 27, 2024
ADDED slot date and time details to reservation code listing (in addition to just the slot number) on the Registration Listing Page for an opportunity with active reservations.
ADDED new award badge icons for 'Beer', 'Candy', 'Chef', 'Cookie', 'Donut', 'Drama', 'Grill', 'Ice Cream' and 'Pie'.
ADDED new sticker icons of 'Beer', 'Candy', 'Cocktail', 'Cone', 'Cookie', 'Ice Cream', 'Popsicle' and 'Wine' for use in creating Opportunity Tag Stickers.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where the number lookup functionality on the "Send SMS / Text Message" page would not work correctly if the name being looked up contains the character sequence ' - '.
FIXED an error where the Group Participation Report would sort data incorrectly if there were 2 groups in the system with the exact same name and where both groups had participation activity during the specified report timeframe.
FIXED an error where the system was not correctly comparing date/timestamps when importing volunteer profiles directly from external CRM systems via API integration.
FIXED an error where the system would require a valid location address for an opportunity in order to use mobile sign-in even if the mobile sign-in option was set to "Yes - Any Location" or "Yes - Ignore Location" which are designed to be used for opportunities without a specific sign-in location.
CERVIS v11.13.0 - June 29, 2024
ADDED the ability to print a weekly view of the Admin Calendar on the Opportunity Management Dashboard instead of only being able to print the full month.
ADDED new font 'Outfit' as an option to use as a system-wide font in the System Configuration.
UPDATED the Admin Calendar view on the Opportunity Management Dashboard to allow for visibility in opportunities up to 3 years in the future and up to 6 years in the past (changed from 12 months and 3 months, respectively).
UPDATED the Admin Calendar view on the Opportunity Management Dashboard to include the full calendar week for the first and last week of the month which span into the previous and/or future months.
UPDATED the visual styling of the mini-calendar view and large calendar view on the Opportunity Management Dashboard to provide a refreshed look and enhanced usability.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where the answers to Custom Registration Questions for an opportunity may not be included on the sign-in sheet when configured to do so in some scenarios.
FIXED an error where scheduled Service Project activity for a volunteer may not show up in their profile under certain conditions.
CERVIS v11.12.0 - May 25, 2024
ADDED new option on the Reservation Management Dashboard to export selected reservation code details into a spreadsheet.
ADDED the capability to update existing custom report saved parameters on the Report Management Dashboard.
ADDED a notification banner at the top of profile management pages for volunteer profiles that have been set to 'Inactive' to help better identify these individuals.
ADDED a notification banner at the top of profile management pages for 'Leadership Team' profiles that have been restricted based in interest category to help better identify these individuals.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where the static term 'Volunteer Name' was used when registering an individual for a service project or logging hours for a service project instead of the dynamic value defined in the system configuration under the 'Track People in CERVIS as' field.
FIXED an error where the 'Custom Participation Report' was returning the value of the 'Activity Date' field in the 'mm/dd/yyyy' format instead of the universal 'yyyy-mm-dd' format, which is more easily converted into local date format by the spreadsheet application.
FIXED an error where extraneous text was appearing at the top of the interest category participation report.
FIXED an error where the sign-in time was not being printed on on-demand name tags when sign-in was completed via mobile sign-in.
FIXED an error where the system could display the incorrect 'next award' in certain scenarios when the award history is being viewed in the volunteer portal.
FIXED an error on the Reservation Management Dashboard where the 'Select All' checkbox was not functioning correctly in some scenarios.
FIXED an error where the name of the contact person for a reservation code would not be displayed in the contact field when updating an existing reservation code.
CERVIS v11.11.0 - April 27, 2024
ADDED the ability to filter the Volunteer Retention Report to include information for a specific subset of volunteers or opportunities.
ADDED functionality to allow for manually assigning automatic awards to a volunteer's profile.
ADDED the ability to process assignment of automatic awards to volunteer profiles for timeframes prior to the current award period.
ADDED LinkedIn as a new option for sharing opportunity links on social media platforms.
ADDED the ability to include clickable hyperlinks as part of the text for Custom Registration Questions to allow for easier access to external document content or video resources referenced in the question.
UPDATED the Advanced Volunteer Search to allow for searching based on the number of times a volunteer has received an award during a specific date range.
UPDATED the styling of the main navigation menu for a cleaner look and improved usability.
FIXED an error where viewing the Sign-in Console in "Administration Mode" would not show volunteers already signed in for "Normal" Events if the current date/time was prior to the start date/time for the opportunity.
CERVIS v11.10.0 - March 23, 2024
ADDED functionality to allow designated impact tracking items to be excluded from volunteer self-reporting options.
ADDED the ability to specify the volunteer name format when choosing to publicly display the volunteers registered for an opportunity.
ADDED new sticker icons of 'Chef Hat', 'Cooking Pot', 'Grill' and 'Video Camera' for use in creating opportunity tag stickers.
UPDATED the calendar view on the Opportunity Management Dashboard to include the number of unused reservations allocated for opportunities directly on the calendar listing.
UPDATED the process for removing the alternate group contact person from an existing group to make it a more straight forward process.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where the impact tracking sub-options for the "Event / Project Participation Report" were not functioning correctly.
FIXED an error where fields in CERVIS mapped to Blackbaud fields with the 'FuzzyDate' data type where not syncing correctly.
CERVIS v11.9.0 - February 24, 2024
ADDED functionality which allows the sign-in console 'Automatic Sign-out' value to be configured for each individual Service Project.
ADDED the ability to enable automatic reminder E-mail and SMS messages for scheduled Service Project activity.
ADDED new fonts 'Poppins' and 'Nunito' as an option to use as the system-wide font in the System Configuration.
UPDATED the sign-in console 'Automatic Sign-out' functionality to include new options of 'Yes - 0 hrs', 'Yes - 9 hrs', 'Yes - 9.5 hrs', and 'Yes - 10 hrs', with 'Yes - 0 hrs' being the new system-wide default for the setting.
UPDATED the format of the automatic password reset E-mail to improve readability.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where the event summary report could include two entries for the 'direct' registration source instead of just one.
FIXED an error where under some conditions, certain recorded impact activity may be omitted from the lifetime impact totals when viewing a volunteer's profile.
FIXED an error where draft messages would not be cleared from the system after successfully sending the email message if the draft was originally generated by copying a previously sent email message from the system log.
FIXED an error where 'Archived' opportunities were still being listed in the opportunity selection box under the 'Participation Options' section of the advanced volunteer search.
REMOVED the functionality for tracking analytics data for link clicks in email messages sent from the system due to decreased deliverability caused by spam filtering.
CERVIS v11.8.0 - January 20, 2024
ADDED the ability for volunteers to view and generate reports detailing their recorded impact activity via the volunteer portal.
ADDED the ability to filter the Sign-in Console / Kiosk by Opportunity Tag.
UPDATED the Custom Participation Report and the Checklist Status Report to allow the inclusion of "Lifetime Hours" and "Lifetime Activity Count" as columns in the reports.
UPDATED the workflow of the "Unsubscribe" link (which is automatically included at the bottom of E-mail messages) to allow for user confirmation to better prevent accidental unsubscribes.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where opportunity tag stickers would not be deleted when the associated opportunity tag was completely removed from the system.
CERVIS v11.7.0 - December 16, 2023
ADDED a new option to mark opportunities as "Archived", to hide old or unused opportunities from the typical opportunity management workflow. By default, opportunities will automatically be marked as "Archived" 5 years after their end date. However, this can be customized in the system configuration.
ADDED the ability to include sign-in time at the bottom of "On-demand" printed nametags.
ADDED new sticker icons of 'Balloon', 'Bookmark', 'Building', 'Burger', 'Carrot', 'Chair', 'Church', 'Confetti', 'Corn', 'Cow', 'Farm', 'Hammer', 'Handshake', 'Hospital', 'House', 'Orange', 'Paintbrush', 'Pig', 'Saw', 'Shovel', 'Syringe', 'Toolbox', 'Tractor', 'Tree', 'Unlock', 'Watermelon' and 'Wheat' for use in creating opportunity tag stickers.
UPDATED the system to allow configuration of walk-in registration availability on an opportunity-by-opportunity basis instead of the previous "all-or-nothing" method.
UPDATED the Opportunity Management Dashboard to include assigned sticker icons as part of the opportunity listing.
FIXED a display issue with the QR Code scanner in the sign-in kiosk on some Apple devices caused by a bug in iOS 17.
FIXED an error where the buttons to open the QR Code scanner on the sign-in kiosk would not properly display when the option to view signed-in volunteers on the kiosk welcome page is enabled.
FIXED an error that could cause the QR Codes printed on QR Code name badges to be partially cropped on the bottom in some cases causing the code to not scan.
FIXED an error that could result in an invalid reservation code being created by the system during the process of group self-reservation when the name of the group provided included certain characters.
FIXED an issue that could cause the phone number verification pop-up box on the sign-in kiosk to appear lower down on the page than expected.
FIXED an error that could result in the failure to send an SMS notification of waitlist registration under certain rare conditions.
FIXED an error where the option to view volunteers already registered for an opportunity would not be displayed during the self-registration process under certain rare scenarios.
CERVIS v11.6.0 - November 19, 2023
ADDED new option to allow volunteers to view their activity history directly via the sign-in kiosk.
ADDED the capability to display a listing of volunteers already signed in to the kiosk on the kiosk welcome screen. This is similar to the default view of the kiosk when in "Admin Mode" but is designed to be viewed by volunteers.
ADDED new functionality to automatically assign a profile tag to profiles created via QuickReg.
ADDED new functionality to automatically assign a profile tag to profiles created when using a source tracking tag.
ADDED new sticker icons of 'Airplane', 'Drama', 'Theatre', and 'Ticket' for use in creating opportunity stickers.
UPDATED the system to allow volunteers to have their volunteer activity history report sent directly to their email address in addition to the existing option of downloading the report.
FIXED an error where certain on-screen status messages on mobile devices would be displayed using the incorrect text color.
FIXED an error that would result in blank documents being generated under certain conditions when printing name tags for multiple opportunities in bulk for a single day.
FIXED an alignment issue that would result in pop-up notes covering action icons in a way that would prevent clicking on the covered icon.
FIXED a display error that could list an inaccurate 'Associated Group' for reservation codes without an 'Associated Group' specified on the volunteer registration listing for an opportunity.
CERVIS v11.5.0 - October 28, 2023
NEW FEATURE: OPPORTUNITY STICKERS This brand new feature gives you the ability to create and apply "stickers" to opportunities published in the system as a quick and easy way for volunteers to identify and search for opportunities. Our November webinar will focus on "Opportunity Stickers," so you won't want to miss it!
ADDED functionality to allow organizations to specify a maximum number of upcoming opportunities that a volunteer may be registered for at any given time.
ADDED new feature within the sign-in kiosk to allow administrators to manually adjust hours logged when signing volunteers out via the kiosk in "Administration" mode.
UPDATED the layout of pages throughout the volunteer portal for enhanced usability on mobile devices.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error that could occur when selecting items in the Group Management dashboard that could cause the system to not actually select the intended items.
FIXED an error where the sign-in kiosk was displaying opportunities sorted by the overall start date of the entire opportunity instead of sorting by the start time of the specific slot being displayed on-screen.
[CERVIS API] Added the ability to add or remove category-based access restrictions for users with "Leadership Team" level access in the system.
CERVIS v11.4.0 - September 23, 2023
ADDED new option to the administrator calendar view to list registered volunteers as part of the listing directly in the calendar.
ADDED new label format (Avery #22822) for printing Photo ID badges to better fit on standard credit card sized (3.375" x 2.125") plastic badges.
ADDED the ability to submit background checks for up to 20 volunteers at a time through the Volunteer Management Dashboard and Follow-up Management Dashboard.
UPDATED the Background Check Management Dashboard to include new search functionality and paginated results, making it easier to find background checks.
UPDATED the workflow for when a volunteer accidentally scans their QR code with their personal mobile device (instead of at a kiosk) to redirect them to the volunteer log in page.
UPDATED the Sign-in Console / Kiosk to make it easier for volunteers to use and sign-in faster to opportunities.
IMPROVED the load time for volunteer profile photos system-wide.
FIXED an error where volunteer profile photos were not being properly displayed for profiles listed on the Background Check Management page.
CERVIS v11.3.0 - August 26, 2023
ADDED the ability for volunteers to log project impact at the same time as manually logging hours when self-reporting hours via the volunteer portal.
ADDED option to directly access the Tag Cloud from the Volunteer, Group, and Opportunity Management Dashboards to allow easier access without having to first drill down into a specific profile or opportunity.
ADDED new customizable on-screen "Happy Birthday" banner to greet volunteers on their birthday when they login to the volunteer portal or sign-in for an opportunity via the sign-in kiosk.
ADDED new font "Work Sans" as an option to use as the system-wide font in the system configuration.
IMPLEMENTED several minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an issue where the email message history when viewing a volunteer's profile would not display in correct chronological order.
FIXED an error that would occur if photo name tags were generated for an opportunity with no volunteers registered.
FIXED an issue where the default volunteer profile placeholder image was being displayed in the wrong size on the volunteer profile details page.
FIXED an error where printed address labels would not include the "Address Line 2" field in certain scenarios.
FIXED an issue that could result in reduced image quality when rotating volunteer profile photos.
CERVIS v11.2.0 - July 29, 2023
ADDED the ability to Review Open Service Project Applications for a selected list of projects at the same time via the Opportunity Management Dashboard. Previously, the system only allowed review for either a single project or all projects together.
ADDED the ability to Review Pending Event Registration Requests for a selected list of events at the same time via the Opportunity Management Dashboard. Previously, the system only allowed review for either a single event or all events together.
UPDATED the display options for the Tag Cloud to allow for sorting tags alphabetically in addition to sorting tags by quantity, which was the only option previously available.
UPDATED the "Find volunteers that have not had any account activity for more than" search option in the advanced volunteer search to allow for a longer search timeframe.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an issue where the built-in QR code generator would convert all links to lower case which can cause issues with query parameters in links that require case sensitivity.
FIXED an error that could cause the name selection listing to appear blank for volunteers selecting a service project to apply for when profile linking is completely disabled in the system.
FIXED an error where the registration cancelation notice sent to opportunity organizers could include inaccurate registration numbers in some scenarios.
FIXED an error in the event name keyword filter field on the Report Management Dashboard where the field would not accept certain characters as valid even though those characters are valid characters for the event name.
FIXED an error where the system would incorrectly prompt volunteers to grant browser location access when bringing up the QR sign-in code on their mobile device when the option for the opportunity was set to "QR Code (Express)".
CERVIS v11.1.0 - Jun 24, 2023
ADDED the ability to link directly into the registration view of a volunteer's profile to better allow the usage of mobile sign-in for instances when the volunteer does not have the mobile sign-in link from their confirmation E-mail.
ADDED the ability to include a custom column in the listing of volunteers and groups registered for an opportunity to make it easier for organizers to keep an eye on key information.
ADDED new option in the Reservation Management Dashboard to display only 'Active' reservations to simplify the process of managing reservation codes with active reservations assigned.
UPDATED the listing of volunteers and groups registered for an opportunity to display unused reservations under each slot to allow better insight into reservation code utilization for the opportunity.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where certain opportunity listing searches based on opportunity tags prior to logging in would not be retained after logging into the system using the "Sign in with Google" login option.
FIXED an error where, under some conditions, the email sent to the opportunity organizer to notify them of a submitted registration request would not include the volunteer's information.
FIXED an error where, in some scenarios, the system would fail to send out the confirmation message to volunteers when they submitted a registration request to participate in an opportunity that required organizer approval.
FIXED an error where the opportunity organizer's email address would be replaced with the group leader's email address in registration confirmation emails sent for group registrations.
FIXED an error where the tags and notes assigned to a volunteer's profile would be incorrectly displayed as blank immediately after updating the profile until the page was refreshed.
FIXED an error in the administrator calendar view where the opportunity popup display would not display correctly if the opportunity description included certain non-standard characters.
CERVIS v11.0.0 - May 20, 2023
ADDED the ability to customize / personalize the salutation for confirmation, reminder, approval and background check E-mail messages sent out by the system.
ADDED the capability to update existing E-mail and SMS Message templates.
ADDED new functionality to customize the volunteer profile information included within the registration notification E-mail messages sent to opportunity organizers.
ADDED new option for hidden awards in the system which function exactly like traditional awards but are not visible to volunteers.
ADDED slot registration counts to registration and cancelation notification E-mail messages sent to opportunity organizers to make it easier to keep an eye on overall registration numbers without having to login to the system.
ADDED a new SMS / Text Message notification for volunteers when they are moved from the waitlist and automatically registered for an opportunity.
ADDED the ability to limit access to volunteer file attachments so only Administrators can access the attachments for cases when access to sensitive data needs to be restricted.
ADDED the capability to allow Administrators to specify the level of automatic profile linking in the system, or disable automatic profile linking altogether.
ADDED a new 'Opportunity Management Settings' section to the System Configuration to make it easier to find and configure opportunity-related settings.
ADDED configuration option to allow organizations to specify whether opportunities with an upcoming scheduled posting date are displayed in the opportunity listing as 'Coming Soon' or whether they are hidden altogether.
UPDATED the self-registration page in the volunteer portal to automatically remember the previous volunteer to register for an opportunity, making it easier for the same volunteer to register for multiple opportunities during the same session without having to select their name from the list multiple times.
MODIFIED the 'Private Registration Code Invitation E-mail Message' field in the system configuration to include a default value to give Administrators a clearer representation of the intended purpose of the field.
UPDATED the confirmation method used when deleting message templates and saved search queries to better prevent accidental deletion.
SIMPLIFIED the contents of default registration and cancelation notification E-mail messages sent to opportunity organizers by removing unneeded information and displaying information in an easier-to-understand format.
UPDATED the display of reservation code labels in the listing of volunteers registered for an opportunity to include a pop-up with information about the details of the reservation code.
ENHANCED the action of the 'Send Automatic Confirmation E-mail' button to also send a registration notification E-mail to the opportunity organizer if registration notifications are configured for the opportunity and the button is clicked by someone other than the organizer.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where the 'Volunteer Tags' and 'Volunteer Age' fields were not being included in the options for items to display on the sign-in sheet when bulk updating opportunities.
FIXED an error that could occur when attempting to duplicate time slots in a time slot event under certain rare conditions.
REMOVED support for sending SMS / Text messages via Twilio without using a Twilio Messaging Service ID.
CERVIS v10.12.0 - Apr 22, 2023
ADDED the ability to save and use message templates when sending SMS / Text messages from the system.
ADDED new option for deleting pending service project applications and registration requests to accommodate scenarios where neither of the existing "Approve" or "Disapprove" options is appropriate, such as when an application is submitted by accident.
ADDED two new on-demand nametag label template options which include the volunteer's name, the opportunity name, the date/time of the opportunity, and the slot note.
ADDED the option to initiate an SMS / Text message to an individual volunteer directly through their profile management page.
UPDATED the self-registration page in the volunteer portal to automatically select the volunteer who is logged in if there are no other linked volunteers in the list to select from.
UPDATED the terminology used when creating shared message templates and saved search queries in the system by changing the usage of "Public" over to "Shared" to better describe the accessibility of these items.
UPDATED the icons for creating and using email templates to better match the overall system icon theme.
FIXED an error where individuals with Group Leader access were prevented from registering certain volunteers for opportunities that the group leader was assigned as the opportunity organizer over.
FIXED an error where the T-Shirt size field could be enabled for QuickReg profiles even when the field was disabled in the system configuration, thus generating a hidden error message when submitting profile information via the QuickReg form.
CERVIS v10.11.0 - Mar 25, 2023
ADDED the ability to specify the default 'Volunteer Status' value for newly created profiles in the system.
UPDATED the volunteer registration page to allow users with 'Group Leader' level access to register volunteers who are in their group for open opportunities where they are assigned as the organizer but where the opportunity is not publicly available for registration.
UPDATED the view of registered opportunities in the volunteer portal to include a 'Canceled' label for opportunities or slots marked as canceled in the system.
UPDATED the opportunity export spreadsheet to include public and private registration URLs for each opportunity.
UPDATED the colors on the volunteer calendar view to match the custom colors specified as the opportunity listing colors in the system configuration.
FIXED an error that occurred when trying to assign a tag to an opportunity.
FIXED an error that could prevent certain custom fields from being included when a constituent is created in Raiser's Edge NXT via the integration API.
FIXED an error where some opportunities that have been marked as canceled in the system would still be displayed as an option for volunteers to print as part of their activity history.
CERVIS v10.10.0 - Feb 26, 2023
ADDED functionality to filter the 'Yearly Participation Summary Report' to display activity for specific volunteers, groups, and/or opportunities.
ADDED the ability to filter the 'Custom Participation Report' by previously saved opportunity and group searches.
ADDED a notice banner at the top of volunteer profile management pages for volunteer profiles that have been set to "Disabled" by an administrator.
ADDED the ability to include tag values when importing volunteer profile data via the "Volunteer Data Import" functionality.
UPDATED the 'Yearly Participation Summary Report' to be able to go back 15 years instead of the previous limit of 10 years.
INCREASED the character size limit for volunteer, group, and opportunity tags in the system from 20 characters to 40 characters.
UPDATED the 'Group Export Spreadsheet' and the 'Opportunity Export Spreadsheet' to include tags.
IMPROVED the performance and visual appearance of the auto-complete / auto-suggest functionality throughout the system.
UPDATED the Advanced Search functionality for volunteers and opportunities to allow for searching based on disabled Interest Categories.
FIXED an error where the "Saved Volunteer Search" options for the Custom Participation Report also included options for saved opportunity searches on the Report Management Dashboard.
FIXED an error where the "add new volunteer" option was not functioning correctly when clicked during the assignment of a new follow-up action.
FIXED an error that was causing the name look-up field to fail to return any names when "Standard Edition" customers attempted to create a new group.
FIXED an error that would allow administrators to assign duplicate tag values to volunteers, groups, or opportunities.
CERVIS v10.9.0 - Jan 21, 2023
ADDED the ability to combine the results of multiple volunteer searches together to allow for more complex search criteria without requiring extra steps involving the use of temporary tags.
ADDED functionality to allow administrators to assign Tags to volunteers, groups, and opportunities as part of the creation process, instead of having to assign Tags after initial creation.
ADDED new auto-suggest/auto-complete capability when adding or searching for Tag values in the system to allow for more consistent and efficient assignment of Tags.
UPDATED the Tag assignment fields in the system to allow assignment of multiple Tags at once by entering a comma separated list of Tag values instead of assigning a single tag at a time.
IMPLEMENTED several minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error that could prevent a user from editing a description for a follow-up action when the description contains certain special characters.
FIXED an error where manual awards were not being grouped and sorted correctly on the awards status report.
FIXED an issue where time slot events configured to require registration in all slots would close registration for the opportunity on the morning of the first-available slot, instead of at the actual start time of the first-available slot.
CERVIS v10.8.0 - Dec 31, 2022
ADDED the ability to save and retrieve opportunity searches for scenarios where repeated searching for specific opportunity criteria is needed over time.
ADDED the ability to save and retrieve group searches for scenarios where repeated searching for specific group criteria is needed over time.
IMPLEMENTED several minor enhancements to the accessibility of the system for an improved experience while utilizing assistive technologies.
FIXED an alignment issue on the Administrator Dashboard that could occur with volunteer profile photos and opportunity images when a system notice is being displayed at the top of the page.
FIXED an alignment issue on the Background Check Management Dashboard where status messages would appear overlapping the row of buttons under certain circumstances.
FIXED a display issue where some dashboard list pages would scroll back to the top of the page when closing a pop-up window.
REMOVED the "Display registrations completed between these dates" filter from the event registration page as the benefit of this filter was only applicable for certain specific scenarios and its purpose was not well understood by system users which often resulted in confusion.
CERVIS v10.7.0 - Nov 25, 2022
ADDED the ability to customize the color options for system notification messages (success, error, warning & informational) throughout the system to allow for better match of branding and/or accessibility requirements.
ADDED new 'Candy Cane' and 'Santa Hat' award badge icons for use in recognizing participation in holiday serving opportunities.
UPDATED the slot selection screen to include a 'select all' checkbox for easy selection of all available slots being displayed for registration.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to the accessibility of the system for an improved experience while utilizing assistive technologies.
ENHANCED the visibility of attachments in email messages, making it more noticeable to the recipient.
FIXED an error that could occur when submitting a custom background check request if the title given to the custom background type included certain unsupported characters.
FIXED a minor alignment issue with the "Confirm & Activate Your Profile" button included in the profile confirmation email message.
FIXED an error that could cause the duplication of an opportunity to silently fail if the presence of certain characters existed within the "Registration Restriction Failure Message" field.
FIXED an error that could cause the report management dashboard page to fail to properly resize when expanding and collapsing different sections of the page.
CERVIS v10.6.0 - Oct 22, 2022
ADDED new button style option to the system appearance section of the System Configuration to further enhance page customization options.
ADDED new functionality to the Follow-up Management Dashboard to include the option to select and manage multiple volunteer profiles.
UPDATED the self-import functionality to allow for updating attribute assignments (groups, interests, skills, etc.) for existing profiles already in the system. The previous functionality only allowed assigning attributes for profiles newly created during the same import.
UPDATED the system configuration to increase the character limit for the liability waiver / medical release link fields from 120 to 180 characters.
FIXED an error that prevented the system from deleting groups in some limited cases.
FIXED an error that could occur with self-importing data when the import file was saved using a specific Unicode format.
CERVIS v10.5.0 - September 24, 2022
ADDED new options for configuring the visual styling of button and form field appearance throughout the system.
ADDED new 'Source Serif Pro' system font as an easier-to-read alternative to the browser default 'Times New Roman' font face.
ADDED the ability to include multiple Interest Categories in the filter when creating a pre-filtered view of the opportunity listing page instead of just a single Interest Category.
ADDED new "Jack-o'-lantern" and "Acorn" award badge icons for use in recognizing participation in Autumn serving opportunities.
IMPROVED various minor visual effects throughout the system to improve user experience.
INCREASED the maximum linkable image file size in system and event file management from 200Kb to 400Kb.
FIXED an error where waitlisted volunteers may not be automatically moved into the active registration for the opportunity when open slots become available in the opportunity as the result of an expired reservation.
FIXED an error where the system could clear out the original list of SMS/Text recipients from a text message when an error message was displayed notifying the sender that the length of the message was too long.
FIXED an error that could occur when attempting to duplicate an opportunity that had an image assigned which includes Unicode characters in the image file name.
[CERVIS API] Fixed an error in the CERVIS API that could result in a very limited number of fields being returned partially empty if they contained the ampersand (&) character.
CERVIS v10.4.0 - August 27, 2022
ADDED new QR Code verification method to the printable volunteer activity report to make it easier for 3rd parties to verify the authenticity of the report information.
ADDED option to send a second/additional registration reminder E-mail message for organizations that schedule activity further out and want to send multiple reminders.
UPDATED event registration confirmation and reminder E-mails to include any posted documents/attachments that have been setup for the opportunity.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error with some PDF reports printing in A4 paper format instead of standard letter format.
FIXED an error with some automatic "Thank You" messages not being sent out for shifts in time slot events that start late at night and end the next morning.
FIXED an error that could occur when a volunteer profile is automatically created into the system during the process of submitting a group request form using an email address with mixed upper and lower case characters.
FIXED an error in the advanced volunteer search that could occur when searching for volunteers based on logged impact tracking data during a specific date range.
[DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY] Support has been removed for printing Dymo labels using the older "Dymo Label" software. Organizations using Dymo printers for nametags will need to update to the newer "Dymo Connect" software. Upgrading to Dymo Connect is free of charge and can be downloaded directly from Dymo here: https://www.dymo.com/support?cfid=user-guide
CERVIS v10.3.0 - July 30, 2022
ADDED new "Advanced Search" option to the Group Management Dashboard to allow for combining search criteria and searching based on group participation.
ADDED the ability to customize the liability waiver instructions included in registration confirmation and reminder emails for opportunities with liability waivers enabled.
ADDED the ability to update the "Require Profile Verification" status for an individual volunteer directly within their profile instead of having to use the "Bulk" options.
UPDATED the Advanced Volunteer Search to allow for specific date searching for volunteers based on the date of their terms & conditions acceptance.
UPDATED the "Yearly Participation Summary Report" to allow for selection of a desired start month to better accommodate organizations that track hours based on their fiscal year instead of the standard calendar year.
UPDATED the time slot section screen to include a date range filter for bulk volunteer registrations to allow for easier slot selection in larger events.
FIXED typographical error in placeholder text on the custom registration question management dashboard.
FIXED an error that would cause the scroll bar on pop-up windows to appear incorrectly for certain browser and screen resolution combinations.
[DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY] Support for paid opportunities in the system using Authorize.net as a payment processer option has been removed. Paid opportunities using PayPal will not be impacted and any customers currently using Authorize.net will be migrated over to PayPal at no additional charge.
[DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY] On Aug 31, 2022, we will be removing support for printing Dymo labels using the older "Dymo Label" software. Organizations using Dymo printers for nametags will need to update to the newer "Dymo Connect" software. Upgrading to Dymo Connect is free of charge and can be downloaded directly from Dymo here: https://www.dymo.com/support?cfid=user-guide
CERVIS v10.2.0 - June 25, 2022
ADDED the ability to include accented characters (i.e. café) and other utf-8 formatted special characters (including emojis 🎉) in the subject lines of email messages sent from the system.
ADDED the ability to include accented characters (i.e. café) and other utf-8 formatted special characters within opportunity names and group names in the system.
ADDED the ability to include accented characters (i.e. café) and other utf-8 formatted special characters within your organization name in the system configuration.
FIXED an error with the spacing/layout of the system configuration preview display for registration reminder messages.
FIXED an error with the description of the "Yes - Hidden" option not being displayed when viewing the options for creating a custom profile field in the system configuration.
[DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY] On July 31, 2022, we will be removing support for paid opportunities in the system using Authorize.net as a payment processer option. Paid opportunities using PayPal will not be impacted and any customers currently using Authorize.net will be migrated over to PayPal at no additional charge.
[DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY] On Aug 31, 2022, we will be removing support for printing Dymo labels using the older "Dymo Label" software. Organizations using Dymo printers for nametags will need to update to the newer "Dymo Connect" software. Upgrading to Dymo Connect is free of charge and can be downloaded directly from Dymo here: https://www.dymo.com/support?cfid=user-guide
CERVIS v10.1.0 - May 28, 2022
ADDED the ability to save and reuse descriptions, private notes, and additional confirmation details within your opportunities to simplify creation and management of similar opportunities.
ADDED the ability to view E-mail message previews directly within the System Configuration page, making it easier to evaluate changes to the appearance of E-mail messages when adding or updating message content.
ADDED the ability to view page content previews directly within the System Configuration page, making it easier to evaluate changes to the appearance of pages within the system when adding or updating page content.
ADDED the option to print opportunity sign-in sheets without including blank lines for unfilled registrations.
UPDATED the "Volunteer Portal Home Page Welcome Note" field in the system configuration to enable the ##fname##, ##lname##, and ##email## placeholder variables, allowing for more personalization within the volunteer portal.
UPDATED the navigation experience in the Volunteer Management, Opportunity Management, and Group Management Dashboards to make the available options easier to locate and access.
UPDATED the workflow when deleting a saved opportunity location from the system to include a confirmation pop-up to complete the action.
FIXED an error in the Custom Participation Report where the formatting of the 1st row would appear out of order if the report was run in "low" detail and the first volunteer on the report only had a single participation for 0 hours.
FIXED an error where the system would not correctly register a volunteer from the waitlist when the opportunity was a "Normal" event and the opening occurred due to a registration cancellation via the "Cancel Registration" link in the confirmation email.
FIXED an issue when attempting to send an email message with more than 25 'additional recipients' where the system would return the wrong error message.
[DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY] On July 31, 2022 we will be removing support for paid opportunities in the system using Authorize.net as a payment processer option. Paid opportunities using PayPal will not be impacted and any customers currently using Authorize.net will be migrated over to PayPal at no additional charge.
[DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY] On Aug 31, 2022 we will be removing support printing Dymo labels using the older "Dymo Label Software." Organizations using Dymo printers for nametags will need to update to the newer "Dymo Connect Software." Upgrading to Dymo Connect is free of charge and can be downloaded directly from Dymo here: https://www.dymo.com/support?cfid=user-guide
CERVIS v10.0.0 - April 30, 2022
ADDED the ability to set an expiration window on reservation codes to allow unused reservations to be opened back up to the public, prior to the opportunity.
ADDED new capability to automatically send a birthday E-mail message to volunteers on their birthday.
ADDED the ability to use the ##fname## placeholder variable to automatically include the volunteer's first name when sending out bulk E-mail communication to volunteers
ADDED functionality to allow the posting of selected documents into the Volunteer Portal for easy access by volunteers. Documents can be posted to an individual volunteer, posted based on group membership or opportunity registration, or posted to all volunteers.
ADDED the functionality to bulk reassign multiple follow-up actions all at once, instead of just allowing reassignment one at a time.
ADDED new System Configuration setting to enable E-mail notifications to organization staff when a volunteer uploads a file attachment to their profile.
ADDED the ability for volunteers to download their signed Terms & Conditions document from within the Volunteer Portal.
ADDED new option for organizations to choose between CERVIS built-in bot detection or Google reCAPTCHA, whichever solution best meets their privacy requirements and functional needs.
ADDED new customizable content section at the top of the Volunteer Portal home page.
UPDATED the opportunity editing page to include the ability to expand the opportunity description field to a larger view when editing the information in the field. This expanded view better accommodates editing process when there is a large volume of information that needs to be included in the description.
UPDATED the volunteer's view of registered opportunities in the Volunteer Portal to include a more detailed view of the opportunities they are currently registered for.
IMPROVED the performance of the Volunteer Management Dashboard when using options with a very large number of volunteers selected (i.e. sending an email or generating a spreadsheet).
UPDATED the file upload page in the Volunteer Portal to include a listing of volunteer self-uploaded files. Volunteers can now view the files they have already uploaded.
MODIFIED the text for the location map link in opportunity listings and confirmation emails from "View Location Map" to "View Map / Get Directions".
UPDATED the opportunity management page to include direct registration links for easier access to the links without having to go into the update opportunity screen.
ENHANCED the impact tracking management page to add the option to search for opportunities based on the impact tracking items assigned to the opportunity.
UPDATED the processing time for automatic kiosk sign-out to be completed at 2:30 a.m. in the organization's local time zone, instead of 2:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST).
UPDATED the delivery time for registration reminder E-mail messages to be sent at 8:00 a.m. in the organization's local time zone, instead of 5:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST).
UPDATED the delivery time for registration reminder text messages to be sent at 12:00 p.m. in the organization's local time zone, instead of 12:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST).
UPDATED the delivery time for automatic thank you email messages to be sent at 8:00 p.m. in the organization's local time zone, instead of 8:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST).
UPDATED the processing time for awards assignment to be completed at 10:30 p.m. in the organization's local time zone, instead of 10:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST).
FIXED an error which was causing the 'Staff Planning Report' to timeout before completely downloading in instances where the report included a very large number of entries.
FIXED an error with the Sign-in Console / Kiosk not working properly for systems running older versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
FIXED an error where the checklist status report would not generate correctly for users with category restricted leadership team level access.
FIXED an error where HTML tables within email content sent out from the system could display with extra white-space in certain scenarios.
[CERVIS API] Updated the version number on the API to 4.0.0.
[CERVIS API] Improved API performance for calls that return a large number of results.
[CERVIS API] Removed the restriction in the API that limited the data included in the result set when the "ALL" option was used to identify returned volunteers.
CERVIS v9.13.0 - March 26, 2022
ADDED volunteer tag information and lifetime impact hours to the volunteer details printout to better match the information included in the on-screen view of the volunteer details page.
ADDED volunteer tag information as an option to include in the 'Checklist Status Report' along with the other volunteer attributes already available.
EXPANDED the advanced volunteer search functionality to include the option to search for volunteers "NOT" assigned to a specific profile tag.
MODIFIED the system-wide custom font option to use CERVIS self-hosted font packages from Google Fonts instead of relying on the Google Fonts API to distribute font packages directly. This change improves performance for loading custom fonts and enhances user privacy.
UPDATED the volunteer details page to remove the "Show More" option which could be used to display additional details about the volunteer profile. Now, the additional details are displayed on the page by default without having to undergo additional steps.
FIXED an error where the system was not successfully recording a note in the volunteer's profile under certain conditions when they unsubscribed from email communication.
FIXED an error which was causing the 'Custom Participation Report', 'Checklist Status Report' and the 'Interest Category Participation Report' to timeout before completely downloading for reports that included a very large number of entries.
FIXED an error where under certain conditions when duplicating an event with custom registration questions configured would result in a newly duplicated event without the custom registration questions from the original event.
FIXED an error where the system was not properly recording the "Reason for Canceling" that a volunteer provided when canceling a registration.
FIXED an issue where short links posted to social media posts may not function correctly if the social media platform automatically alters the link by adding click tracking information to the end of the posted link.
CERVIS v9.12.0 - February 26, 2022
ADDED new Volunteer Retention Report to provide organizations with greater visibility on volunteer retention from year to year.
UPDATED time zone options to include 'Australia/Brisbane' for organizations operating out of the Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) time zone.
UPDATED the volunteer profile merge functionality so that the remaining merged profile always keeps the earliest 'start date' and most recent 'last activity date' between the 2 profiles.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where the opportunity description could be pushed off the right side of the page if the description included a long hyperlink.
FIXED an error where the 'Click Here' to create group link in a follow-up action note would not work correctly after the follow-up was marked as completed and the note was transferred to the volunteer's profile notes.
FIXED an error where volunteers were not able to submit a group reservation request for opportunities with certain registration restrictions applied under certain conditions.
CERVIS v9.11.0 - January 29, 2022
ADDED new award badge icons 'Podium', 'Teaching', and 'Presentation' for use in awards related to public speaking, presenting, or teaching achievements.
UPDATED the profile photo functionality to allow volunteers to upload .png and .gif image files for profile photos instead of just .jpg as previously allowed.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where the sign-in console/kiosk would not accept '0000' as a valid entry for the last 4 digits of a phone number.
FIXED an error in some system reporting options that would occur when an organization's name included an apostrophe.
FIXED an error where the system would not allow the slot order field for a time slot to be updated under certain conditions when manual time slot sorting is enabled for an organization.
FIXED an error where some text elements of on-demand nametags would not automatically resize when using the newer 'DYMO Connect' software instead of the older 'DYMO Label' software.
[CERVIS API] Added new 'date' lookup_method for event queries to the API to only pull details for opportunities occurring between 2 specified dates.
[CERVIS API] Updated the API to include opportunity tags in event detail results.
[CERVIS API] Added the option to the API to include volunteer tags in volunteer detail results.
CERVIS v9.10.0 - December 31, 2021
ADDED the ability for admins to select between different SMS/Text Message numbers when sending a SMS/Text message from the system.
UPDATED the 'Manage Event Time Slots' page to better accommodate events with a large number of time slots. By limiting the number of slots displayed on-screen to 250, the page loads faster and allows the user to manually adjust the date range of slots being displayed to easily locate the slots they are looking for.
ENHANCED the age restriction functionality for Service Projects by basing the age check off of the current date for projects that have already begun, instead of the start date of the project.
INCREASED the character limit for custom registration question selection options from 280 to 400 to allow for additional selection options or longer selection options.
MODIFIED the format of the short links generated by the system to reduce page load time and to make them easier for volunteers to manually input. The previous format will continue to function to ensure functionality for links you have already sent out.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error that would result in the page not fully being displayed if a volunteer used the date search in the event listing page to search for an invalid date.
FIXED an error that could cause the system to display the incorrect number of volunteers already on the waitlist for an event under certain circumstances when a volunteer is selecting a waitlisted opportunity to register for.
[REMOVED FUNCTIONALITY] With the addition of Custom Registration Questions in version 9.7.0, support for 'Custom Events' has been removed. Any existing custom events that you have in the system will still function as normal, but the ability to create new 'Custom Events' is no longer available.
CERVIS v9.9.0 - November 27, 2021
ADDED functionality to allow organizations to specify a custom failure message to display to volunteers when they attempt to register for a restricted event that they do not meet the criteria for.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where the "Registration Quick View" functionality in the Opportunity Management Dashboard calendar view would not display registration information for certain Time Slot events occurring in the past.
FIXED an error where the custom participation report and the event sign-in sheet could include inaccurate values for the "Tags" field under certain conditions.
FIXED an error where the system could ignore Leadership Team account restrictions on certain pages under specific conditions.
[DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY] With the addition of Custom Registration Questions in version 9.7.0, support for 'Custom Events' will be removed beginning Dec 31, 2021. At that time, any existing custom events that you have in the system will still function as normal, but the ability to create new 'Custom Events' will be removed from the system.
CERVIS v9.8.0 - October 30, 2021
ADDED the number of group members to the pop-up display on the Group Management Dashboard. When holding your mouse over the "Manage Group" icon, this is an easy way to view the number of members assigned to a group.
ADDED new holiday-themed award badge icons for use with your holiday serving opportunities (Turkey, Cornucopia, Menorah, Dreidel, Christmas Tree, Ornament, Wreath, Gingerbread, Bell, Snowman, Nutcracker, MLK Day).
RESTRUCTURED the display of the Opportunity Management Dashboard for easier use and improved visibility of opportunity information.
MODIFIED the layout of the Group Management and Follow-up Management Dashboards for improved usability.
UPDATED the section icons and the text layout on the Main Dashboard for a cleaner look and easier-to-use interface.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error where waitlisted volunteers would not be displayed in the registration listing for an event if all actively registered volunteers were unregistered from a time slot after registration for the slot had closed.
FIXED an error where a volunteer would not be able to view the details page for an event when viewing from within the calendar view for visibility restricted events.
FIXED an error where the system could still include a liability waiver link in the confirmation/reminder email after being disabled in the system configuration (if it was disabled in the system configuration prior to being disabled for a specific opportunity).
FIXED an error where under certain conditions when registering for a service project via QuickReg, a volunteer could receive the default project application approval email message instead of a custom configured message.
[DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY] With the addition of Custom Registration Questions in version 9.7.0, support for 'Custom Events' will be removed beginning Dec 31, 2021. At that time, any existing custom events that you have in the system will still function as normal, but the ability to create new 'Custom Events' will be removed from the system.
CERVIS v9.7.0 - September 30, 2021
INTRODUCING Custom Registration Questions. Custom registration questions allow you to ask opportunity-specific questions as part of the registration process for an opportunity. These questions can be configured on an opportunity-by-opportunity basis and will eventually replace 'Custom Events' in the system. Custom registration questions are similar in concept to 'Custom Events' but provide the following enhancements over what 'Custom Events' offer:
- They can be used with Normal and Timeslot events, as well as with Service projects
- They can be used in conjunction with Waitlisted events
- They can be used in conjunction with QuickReg
- They can be used with Group registrations instead of just individual registrations
- They can be added, removed, and re-ordered in an opportunity as needed
- They can be used to configure registration restrictions for events
- They can be used as search criteria in the advanced volunteer search
- Answers can be included in reporting options
- Answers can be configured to display in the public registration listing for other potential volunteers to view
- They offer an improved mobile device experience
ADDED the ability to include Tags as one of the options on the event sign-in sheet.
UPDATED the Advanced Volunteer Search to include the ability to search for profiles based on the date a file attachment was uploaded to their profile.
MOVED the "Terms & Conditions" and "Liability Waiver" options to be relocated under the Information Collection section of the System Configuration for a more intuitive experience.
FIXED an error where the impact items assigned to an event were not copied to the new event when duplicating an event.
FIXED an error where a volunteer submitted registration note was not being saved when a group contact person self-registered their group for an event.
FIXED an error where users with "Event Leader" access were not able to register volunteers for a "Custom" type event.
FIXED an error with Group names not being displayed correctly on sign-in sheets under certain conditions.
FIXED an error that would cause popups to appear off-screen at the top of the page when adding or editing an event which could create the appearance that the page was 'frozen' if the user didn't notice the popup.
[DEPRECATED FUNCTIONALITY] With the addition of Custom Registration Questions (announced above) support for 'Custom Events' will be removed beginning Dec 31, 2021. At that time, any existing custom events that you have in the system will still function as normal, but the ability to create new 'Custom Events' will be removed from the system.
CERVIS v9.6.0 - August 28, 2021
ADDED new Tagging feature to enhance capabilities of sorting, organizing, managing, and reporting for volunteers, opportunities, and groups.
ADDED new feature into the system to allow volunteers to directly upload file attachments into their profile. This allows volunteers to easily submit required documentation for items such as vaccination cards or training certificates.
ADDED the ability to include standard Unicode emoji characters in email messages and SMS/text messages sent from the system.
ENHANCED the advanced volunteer search capabilities to allow for searching volunteer profiles based on whether or not their mailing address is present/missing in the system.
UPDATED the format of email messages sent from the system to include a privacy policy link in the footer of messages for organizations with a privacy policy configured in their account.
FIXED an error where the system would not properly clear out an applied reservation code under certain conditions when the "Clear Reservation Code" option was clicked.
FIXED an error with sending scheduled emails where the system would not properly set the specified "Reply To" address under certain scenarios resulting in replies being sent to the "From" address instead.
FIXED an issue where users with "Leadership Team" level access to the system may encounter an error when searching for volunteer follow-up based on the "Follow-up Description" field.
CERVIS v9.5.0 - July 31, 2021
ADDED new option of "Admin Only" for logging service project hours towards a project for scenarios where the volunteer is not allowed to self-log hours for a project.
ADDED new option of "Admin Only" for logging impact activity for scenarios where the volunteer is not allowed to self-log impact.
ADDED the ability in the volunteer advanced search to find volunteers based on their first activity logged in the system.
ADDED functionality for generating QR Codes for links to service opportunities, making it easier for volunteers to register from printed materials (fliers, handouts, etc.).
ADDED the ability to print QR Code Nametags as an additional sign-in option utilizing the QR code scanning functionality released in CERVIS version 9.4.0.
UPDATED the screens for adding and updating events and service projects in the system. The most commonly used fields are still immediately visible, while the others are broken up into easy-to-understand sections. These updates give you the same powerful capabilities to customize your events, but are now in a more dynamic layout and include more field descriptions.
FIXED an error where the checklist report would not include any data when viewed by a user with "Leadership Team" level access who has their access also restricted to a specific interest category.
FIXED an error where the sign-in console was not functioning correctly on some devices running on iOS 9.3.5 after the update to CERVIS 9.4.0.
FIXED an error where the "Impact Tracking Management" link was not being displayed in the top navigation menu.
FIXED an error that prevented the entire list of activities available for impact logging from being displayed to volunteers in their profile.
FIXED an error where the "Automatically Approve Service Project Applications" field would be displayed twice on the page at different locations when updating a Service project.
CERVIS v9.4.0 - June 26, 2021
INTRODUCING new Impact Tracking functionality. Your volunteers contribute more than just hours when they walk through your doors. CERVIS enables you to capture that impact more effectively by allowing you to create and track non-hours related impact items (i.e. Boxes Packed, Applications Processed, Meals Delivered, Miles Driven, etc.) for your volunteers and events.
INTRODUCING QR Code scanning functionality for volunteer sign-in. CERVIS already provides you with multiple ways to quickly and effectively check your volunteers in for events. However, we're excited to announce that we've added another way...QR Code Sign-in! You now have the option to allow volunteers to sign-in for their events by quickly scanning a QR Code that they have printed out or is displayed on their mobile device.
ADDED new font "Titillium Web" as an option to use as the system-wide font in the system configuration.
UPDATED the Custom Participation Report to give you the option to group the report data by event, in addition to grouping the data by volunteer. This new functionality enables you to capture and report on event-related information in much greater detail.
FIXED an error with the "Display Service Project Dates" field being displayed twice when updating a service project.
FIXED an error where the system would replace links in email messages with an invalid link in certain scenarios for organizations using a custom domain name on their account.
FIXED an error that prevented Basic and Standard Edition users from updating closed events under certain conditions.
CERVIS v9.3.0 - May 29, 2021
ADDED the ability to link awards to registration for a specific event in the system so that volunteers will automatically be assigned the specified award upon completion of the event.
ADDED the ability to link awards to checklist items in the system so that volunteers will automatically be assigned the specified award upon completion of the checklist item.
ADDED new award badge icons for "Ace", "Number One", "Bullseye", and "Gift" as options for awards in the Awards Management Dashboard.
ADDED the ability to bulk update the "Volunteer Start Date" field for multiple volunteer profiles at the same time.
ADDED functionality to allow for bulk updating the "Assign Linked Event" field in multiple events at the same time.
ADDED new $7.95 "Starter Package" option for integrated background check processing through Backgrounds Online. CLICK HERE to learn more.
ADDED new International Background Check option for integrated background check processing through Backgrounds Online. CLICK HERE to learn more.
INCREASED the character limit for volunteer custom selection field options from 30 up to 70 characters in the System Configuration.
FIXED an error where the custom participation report would not include the sign-in date and/or sign-in console questions under certain conditions.
FIXED an error where the system was requiring an answer to all custom sign-in console questions, even if the question was configured as "Optional".
FIXED an error where the option to manage a volunteer's checklist items was not being properly displayed in the Volunteer Management Dashboard.
FIXED an error where the options for the "Volunteer Summary Report by Custom Field Value" were including text custom fields in the Report Management Dashboard instead of only custom selection box fields as designed.
FIXED Fixed an error where the system would show group management options for the administrator instead of the volunteer when assuming a volunteer's identity in the system.
CERVIS v9.2.0 - April 30, 2021
INTRODUCING new awards management functionality. This new feature is a fun way to recognize and encourage your volunteers by awarding badges based on their volunteer activity.
ADDED functionality to specify a scheduled posting date for events / projects. Now you can create them in advance and have them "go live" on your event listing page at a specific date and time.
UPDATED zip code fields for US-based addresses to allow for optional 4-digit zip code extensions (Zip+4).
UPDATED the sign-in console display to include the volunteer's profile picture when signing in for an event.
UPDATED the Custom Participation Report to include the option to print volunteer answers to sign-in console questions in the report.
FIXED an error that could prevent some volunteers from successfully registering for a restricted event, if that event contained a restriction based on a custom field value that was disabled in the system configuration after being assigned as a restriction for the event.
FIXED a typographical error in the response example section of the CERVIS API field list.
FIXED an error that would allow an administrator to change the event type of an event from "Normal" to "Service Project" after a reservation had already been assigned to the "Normal" event.
FIXED an error where the profile sub-menu section of the menu bar was not being displayed properly for users with "Group Leader" or "Event Leader" access.
FIXED an error that caused the Custom Participation Report to fail to generate when including group participation based on "Previous Group Search".
FIXED an error where the "Update my profile" link in the navigation menu was not working properly in certain scenarios for users with "Group Leader" or "Event Leader" access.
FIXED an error where the reCAPTCHA verification system was not functioning correctly for organizations using custom domains.
FIXED an error where the "Send SMS Replies To" field in the system configuration was not being displayed in proper alignment with the other fields for organizations using SMS functionality.
CERVIS v9.1.0 - March 27, 2021
ADDED the ability to specify a custom list of E-mail addresses to receive notification of SMS / Text message replies.
ADDED the ability to send SMS / Text messages from a Twilio Messaging service ID instead of only by a direct phone number, which enables enhanced functionality such as number pooling, geolocation number matching, improved message deliverability, and increased message throughput.
ADDED functionality to the advanced volunteer search to allow searching for volunteers based on number of canceled registrations.
ADDED the capability to search for waitlisted volunteers across multiple events inside the event management dashboard.
INCREASED the character limit for SMS / Text messages sent out from the system from 160 up to 480 (For messages longer than 160 characters, each 160-character message segment will be billed as a separate message by your messaging provider) .
UPDATED the number fields for custom volunteer profile questions and for custom sign-in console questions to allow numbers with decimal values instead of just whole numbers.
INCREASED the character limit for answers to custom sign-in console questions from 40 up to 300.
EXTENDED the system logging functionality to include the adding of a note in the volunteer's profile when they cancel their registration for an event.
UPDATED the error message displayed when a volunteer clicks on a direct link to an event that has been hidden or has restricted visibility to better describe what the error means and what to do next.
FIXED an error when merging volunteer profiles where the system would discard completed checklist items from the removed volunteer profile instead of including them into the merged profile.
FIXED an error when merging volunteer profiles where the system would discard accepted terms and conditions from the removed volunteer profile instead of including them into the merged profile.
FIXED an error where the sign-in console would not properly verify the last 4 digits of a volunteer's phone number when they entered the last 4 digits of their alternate phone instead of their primary phone.
FIXED an error where the sign-in console would not properly verify the last 4 digits of a volunteer's phone number if the sign-in system was configured to require acceptance of terms and conditions and the volunteer had already previously accepted the posted terms and conditions.
FIXED an error where the system would not allow mobile sign-in for a slot in a time slot event where the status for the slot was set to "Closed".
FIXED an error where the system would fail to return the full list of linked events when using the option to search for linked events prior to deleting an event.
[CERVIS API] Added the ability to modify the "CERVIS Account Status" field for a volunteer's profile via the API.
[CERVIS API] Updated the information returned from the API as part of a volunteer record to include the "CERVIS Account Status" field.
CERVIS v9.0.0 - February 27, 2021
INTRODUCING support for custom organization domains in CERVIS. You can now use your organization web domain to access CERVIS. Custom domains allow you to maintain your branding and keep your volunteers on a website they already trust. CLICK HERE to learn more.
INTRODUCING new sign-in questionnaire functionality. You can now require volunteers to answer custom questions when signing in for an event or service project. Whether you need to pre-screen volunteers for COVID-19 purposes or just want to collect some other piece of information when volunteers arrive on-site, CERVIS has you covered.
ADDED the ability to implement application restrictions for Service Projects. This great functionality that you have always enjoyed for your normal and time slot events, is now available for your Service Projects as well.
ADDED the capability to search for and report on groups, based on the date of the group's creation in the system.
ADDED functionality into the system to prompt volunteers for acceptance of your posted Terms & Conditions during the event sign-in process, if they have not already done so.
REORGANIZED the options in the system configuration for more efficient use by adding sections for sign-in console management and group options management.
UPDATED the group export spreadsheet to include the "Group Status" and "Group Creation Date" fields.
INCREASED the character limit when specifying the name of a custom volunteer profile field from 95 to 280 characters.
IMPLEMENTED numerous minor enhancements to improve the performance and reliability of the system.
FIXED an error that could result in the entire error message not being displayed on-screen for iOS devices when an error is encountered while using mobile sign-in.
FIXED an error where the entire contents of the field name would not fit within the designated box on the "Reorder Profile Fields" and the "Configure Custom Spreadsheet / Export Fields" screens, if the field name wrapped onto a second line.
FIXED an error where the system was not properly enforcing the 25 email address limit for the "Additional Recipients" field, when sending an email under certain conditions.
FIXED an error where the organization name listed as the primary interest category name in the interest category selection box would not properly update in the system configuration.
[CERVIS API] Added functionality to the CERVIS API to allow searching for volunteer profiles by custom field values.
[CERVIS API] Added functionality to the CERVIS API to allow searching for volunteer profiles by volunteer start date.
[CERVIS API] Added functionality to the CERVIS API to allow searching for volunteer profiles using saved search queries created in the system.
[CERVIS API] Added functionality to the CERVIS API to allow searching for volunteer profiles by combining 2 different search criteria.
[CERVIS API] Added functionality to the CERVIS API to allow pulling a single volunteer attribute category (groups, equipment, skills, availability, interests) if desired, instead of all the attributes together.
[CERVIS API] Removed the restriction from the CERVIS API that prevented the inclusion of sensitive data fields when using the 'all' lookup_method.
[CERVIS API] Enabled enhanced data compression for results returned by the CERVIS API to significantly decrease the time it takes to download API results when using a client that supports compression.
[CERVIS API] Fixed error in CERVIS API where some API calls were not being properly validated to ensure all the required parameters were being submitted for the specific API lookup_method.
[CERVIS API] Fixed error in the CERVIS API where volunteer search results would not include the 'total_events_registered' object.
[CERVIS API] Fixed error in the CERVIS API where searching based on any of the date lookup methods would not return results matching the exact date specified in the search.
CERVIS v8.14.1 - January 23, 2021
FIXED an error where the universal search box could return an error when selecting a search result with a group name or reservation description that includes the '#' character.
FIXED an error where the automatic redirect for mobile devices was returning an error if the organization set up an iframe integrated page directly to the group request page.
FIXED an error where the system would cap the maximum file size of a photo used for a reservation code image to 2Mb instead of the intended 4Mb.
CERVIS v8.14.0 - December 26, 2020
ADDED additional confirmation prompts when deleting or anonymizing volunteer profiles to better prevent accidental removal of volunteer information.
ADDED the "Age" column to the built-in full volunteer spreadsheet / export in the volunteer management dashboard.
ADDED the ability for "Standard" edition customers to generate a "Basic Contact Info Spreadsheet" from the volunteer management dashboard.
SIMPLIFIED the workflow used when requesting device location access during the mobile sign-in process to better prevent users from accidentally selecting to block / deny location access.
UPDATED the error message returned during the mobile sign-in process when a user has previously selected to block location access, with a more clear description of the problem and instructions on how to reset location access.
INCREASED the maximum number of characters allowed in the name of an email attachment from 50 up to 60.
FIXED an error where the "Console Navigation" dropdown menu would remain visible on-screen after opening the sign-in console in "Sign-in Mode" for unattended volunteer sign-in.
FIXED an error where volunteers could remove service project hours from their profile online, under certain conditions, for projects configured to only allow on-site logging.
FIXED an error where some special characters were displayed incorrectly in the charts displayed on the main dashboard.
FIXED an error where the system would not include unsubscribed volunteers in messages sent to volunteers registered for a specific event if the email was sent directly through the event management dashboard instead of through the event registration screen.
FIXED an error where the "Show All Active Volunteer Profiles" option was not enabled on the volunteer management dashboard for "Basic" and "Standard" edition customers.
FIXED an error where "Standard" edition customers may not be able to use the address label or name tag functionality on the volunteer management dashboard under certain conditions.
FIXED an error where the volunteer's profile photo could be displayed on top of the "Send Email" icon, under certain conditions, in the Service Project Application Management dashboard and prevent the ability to click on the icon.
CERVIS v8.13.0 - November 28, 2020
ADDED on-demand nametag printing support for computers running the newer "Dymo Connect" software instead of just those running the older "Dymo Label" software.
ADDED minor page transition effect when navigating between pages to create a smoother navigation experience.
ADDED the ability to include a custom rich text message to the top of the Registration Code Invitation E-mail.
ADDED a new option for exporting calendar events for Outlook Calendar in addition to the currently existing options for Google Calendar and iCal.
ADDED a feature to hide direct links to events for those that are not available for direct linking. This will help prevent organizations from sending out the incorrect link when communicating to volunteers about a specific event.
ADDED functionality to generate a log entry in the system log when a volunteer uses the "Contact Us" page to submit a request for technical assistance.
UPDATED the wording for the mobile sign-in link in confirmation and reminder emails to make it more clear that the same link can be used for both signing in and signing out of the event.
REPLACED the browser generic pop-up message with a custom inline application message when copying custom links from the system to the clipboard.
RENAMED the "Send Invitation Only E-mail invitation" option in the event management dashboard to "Send Registration Code Invitation E-mail" to better describe the functionality of the option and for better consistency throughout the system.
FIXED an error where events with registration restrictions may not be correctly displayed when viewed by an admin under an assumed ID of a volunteer.
FIXED an error where pop-up boxes on the system configuration page would sometimes appear at the top of the page instead of inline where the pop-up box was opened from. This created the appearance of a 'blank' screen in some scenarios.
FIXED an error in the "Event/Project Participation Report" that would cause the report to return blank under certain conditions when run in the "Reservation Code" detail level.
FIXED an error with the background check system failing to create a new background check if a custom background check name included an apostrophe when it was created in the BGO console.
FIXED an error where the background color of the charts on the Main Dashboard would not change to match the color of the page background under certain conditions.
FIXED an error where custom event fields (when enabled for an organization) were not being displayed in the list of selection options for the custom participation report.
CERVIS v8.12.0 - October 31, 2020
IMPLEMENTED a newly redesigned look for the CERVIS standalone console that looks great and loads faster than ever. Out of the box, the new design comes with a refreshed, and more modern appearance, and also includes multiple options to customize the look and feel to match your branding or other display preferences. Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks for additional information regarding an upcoming webinar and updated knowledge base content covering this great new functionality!
ADDED a new checklist status report to easily view, or export, checklist completion information across your volunteer database.
ADDED the default organization logo to the list of images automatically available for selection when inserting an image into custom HTML/rich text content sections throughout the system.
UPDATED the E-mail attachment functionality to allow for E-mail attachments of up to 2MB in size (up from 1MB).
UPDATED System, Event, Group, and Volunteer file storage functionality to allow uploading of files up to 4MB in size (up from 3MB).
FIXED an error where the system would show a multi-day normal event as "Registration Closed" after the start time of the event, when this behavior should be limited to single-day normal events only.
FIXED an error where attributes (groups, skills, interests, etc.) that start with a dash (-) or equal sign (=) would not display correctly on spreadsheet printouts under certain conditions.
FIXED a display error that could cause reservation code images to be cropped at the bottom in some browsers.
CERVIS v8.11.0 - September 26, 2020
ADDED ability to specify time zone information when managing events to better serve organizations hosting physical events across different time zones and/or organizations hosting virtual online events participated in by volunteers across multiple time zones.
ADDED support for emojis in volunteer replies to SMS messages.
ADDED system configuration option to allow an organization to prevent users with "Event Leader" access from creating new volunteer profiles.
ADDED functionality to allow an organization to prevent the individuals identified as event organizers for an event (non-admin) from overriding registration restrictions for the event.
ADDED the ability to bulk update the "Volunteer Account Status" field of volunteer profiles.
UPDATED the system log message that is generated when a user submits a project request to more accurately describe the action being logged.
UPDATED the message displayed to volunteers when a reservation code is being applied, so it is easier for volunteers to understand.
FIXED an issue with E-mail-to-SMS replies not correctly converting and displaying the message if the E-mail reply included base64 encoding or an embedded image in the signature block.
FIXED an error that, under certain conditions, could allow a volunteer to sign-in for an event using mobile sign-in, after the event is already over.
CERVIS v8.10.0 - August 29, 2020
ADDED search functionality and paginated view to the Follow-up Management Dashboard to make it easier for organizations with a large number of open follow-up actions to manage follow-up activities.
ADDED the ability to include 'Lifetime Event Count' and/or 'Lifetime Hours Count' in the list of fields synced with eTapestry or Salesforce, for CRM integrated accounts.
ENHANCED the behavior of the "Show More" option on the volunteer detail page to automatically show all details in a volunteer's profile after the 3rd time using the "Show More" option during a session to improve workflow for organizations needing to frequently view that information.
AMENDED the information displayed in the "Project Description" of externally submitted project requests to include the date and time that the project request was submitted.
UPDATED the terminology used on search pages throughout the system to make the search functionality easier to understand and use.
FIXED an error experienced by some users with the Grammarly plugin installed in their browser which resulted in pages not being fully visible on-screen after loading.
FIXED an error with the "Need Help" button covering up part of the date selection field on the Advanced Event Search page.
FIXED an error where iOS devices were not able to open files sent as email attachments under certain conditions.
FIXED an error in the system configuration that would allow an administrator of a "Basic Edition" account to set certain fields as "Required" on a volunteer profile even though those fields are not available with the "Basic Edition" of the software.
FIXED an error that would cause normal volunteer-level users to be required to change their password because of an expired password time interval when logging in to the system via the admin login page.
FIXED an error where the "SMS / Text Message History" section would be displayed in a volunteer's profile detail page regardless of whether or not SMS functionality was enabled for the account.
FIXED an error where a volunteer would not be able to view a hidden service project for registration if they clicked on the private registration code link after they were already signed into the system.
CERVIS v8.9.0 - July 18, 2020
ADDED the ability to filter the "View Registered Volunteers" option on the Event Management Dashboard to pull information only for a specific date for all the selected events.
ADDED the ability to filter the "Send E-mail to Registered Volunteers" option on the Event Management Dashboard to pull information only for a specific date for all the selected events.
ADDED new option to enable users to load the default / blank email template to the compose email page and the template management page, directly from the 'load template' options dialog without having to go out and then come back to the page.
EXPANDED the functionality of the integrated background check system to allow for volunteers to be able to pay for their own background checks, instead of requiring the organization to pay for the background checks. To switch over to the volunteer self-pay option, please contact your Backgrounds Online account representative.
FIXED an error with the system not allowing profile updates under certain conditions when volunteer release/waiver tracking has been disabled.
FIXED an error where the full text content of the notification message instructing volunteers to "allow" location access for mobile sign-in would not be displayed on-screen for some mobile browsers.
FIXED an error with the system not displaying the number of people already on the waitlist to volunteers registering for a waitlisted event under certain conditions.
CERVIS v8.8.0 - June 20, 2020
ADDED functionality in the system that will require a Parent/Guardian signature as acceptance of Terms & Conditions for volunteers less than 18 years of age when the Parent/Guardian signature field is enabled.
EXPANDED the name lookup field in the sign-in console to include more names in the search results than before.
INCREASED the speed of the name lookup fields throughout the system.
FIXED an error where the system would not accept certain key values for the API Key field when enabling eTapestry integration.
FIXED an error where the system would not correctly prompt the volunteer to accept the posted Terms & Conditions when creating a profile by using the QuickReg direct application link, under certain scenarios.
CERVIS v8.7.0 - May 23, 2020
ADDED functionality to optionally enable a cookie consent notice to make volunteers aware of how browser cookies are used by the system.
ADDED new "Privacy Policy" and "Cookie Policy" links to the top navigation menu. When enabled, volunteers can review these policies at any time, instead of just when creating or updating their profile.
ADDED the ability for administrators to delete sent E-mail or SMS messages from the system log.
ADDED the capability to hide the "Liability Waiver" functionality in the system for organizations that only use online terms & conditions or that don't use waivers at all.
UPDATED the E-mail system to send E-mail attachments as download links within the body of the message instead of standard email attachments. Update increases email delivery speed and adds the ability to track when attachments are opened.
EXPANDED E-mail Analytics data for sent messages to include information on when volunteers open attachments sent via E-mail.
ENHANCED the performance of SMS reply functionality via E-mail to deliver messages to recipients faster.
MOVED the "Privacy Policy" settings in the system configuration from under the "Page Content" section to the "Security & Privacy Settings" section.
FIXED an error where the volunteer supplied answers to custom event questions and were not being displayed for pending registration requests in custom events.
FIXED an error with placeholder text not all fitting into the text box when creating or updating custom event questions.
FIXED an error with the tooltip text displaying the incorrect message when mousing over the "delete" icon next to the "Assign Associated Group" field on the add reservation code page.
CERVIS v8.6.0 - Apr 18, 2020
ADDED new "quick action" options for viewing event registration information and managing events when clicking on calendar items on the calendar view of the event management dashboard.
ADDED the ability to anonymize and delete volunteer profiles in bulk.
ADDED functionality to store and retrieve multiple email message drafts instead of only the most recent single draft.
ADDED new dedicated page for managing email message templates and drafts in addition to the email sending screen.
ADDED the ability to ask "Selection Box" type questions as event registration questions for custom events.
ADDED the ability in the advanced volunteer search, to search for profiles based on the account status (Locked/Unlocked/Disabled).
ADDED the new option of "Yes - Ignore Location" to allow mobile sign-in for an event without any regard to, or tracking of, the volunteer's location.
ADDED a verification pop-up confirmation message when deleting saved email templates from the system.
IMPROVED the navigation and search experience while using the system log functionality.
EXPANDED the system log to store 12 months worth of log entries instead of 6.
ENHANCED the Microsoft external login functionality to allow sign-in with Microsoft hosted work and school accounts instead of only Microsoft personal accounts.
FIXED an error with on-demand name tags not printing for Service Projects when configured for mobile sign-in.
FIXED an error where the organization logo was not being displayed on reminder and thank you email messages under some circumstances.
FIXED an error where group entries on event sign-in sheets did not include alternating row shading to better differentiate between rows.
CERVIS v8.5.0 - Mar 28, 2020
ADDED the ability to send out automatic reminder emails to event organizers of their upcoming events and allow them to easily view or print sign-in sheets for their events.
ADDED functionality into the system to include custom questions on the group activity request form.
ADDED the ability to view the terms & conditions agreement signed by volunteers and view the history of the last 10 times a volunteer accepted the posted terms.
ADDED a new "remove" icon to the group management page for a more intuitive method of clearing the alternate group leader when adding or updating a group.
UPDATED the functionality of the integrated background check system to allow administrators to submit an additional background check request for a volunteer after their first request has been either finalized or canceled.
UPDATED the maximum character limit for custom event field questions from 75 up to 225 characters.
UPDATED the background polling functionality of the on-demand name tag printer system to speed up name tag printing and reduce network traffic.
FIXED an error with the bulk update functionality for checklist items in a volunteer's profile not working correctly when selecting the option of "Not Assigned".
FIXED an inconsistency in the bulk "Mark No-Show Volunteers" page where volunteers registered for time slot events would not appear in the list until the day following the slot, instead of at the end of the slot.
FIXED an error with the tool tip notification box staying on screen on top of popup boxes in certain scenarios.
FIXED an issue where public email templates and public export templates would be removed from the system when the user who created them was deleted from the system.
FIXED an error in the checklist management screen that could incorrectly show completed checklist items as "Expired" for a volunteer under specific conditions.
FIXED an error where the "Home" icon, certain menu items, and volunteer profile photo would not correctly be displayed in the menu bar for signed in volunteers viewing the "Contact Us" page.
FIXED an error where scheduled service project activity would not be displayed in the volunteer portal for volunteers when the combined event/project view is enabled.
FIXED an error where the mobile sign-in link available in the volunteer portal would not work correctly under certain circumstances after the event had already started.
CERVIS v8.4.0 - Feb 22, 2020
ADDED functionality into the system to require volunteers to include a typed signature when accepting your posted terms and conditions, instead of just checking the acceptance checkbox.
ADDED the ability to customize the options available for selection in the built-in "Gender" profile field, instead of requiring the use of a custom profile field for this purpose.
ADDED the ability to customize the options available for selection in the built-in "Age Group" profile field, instead of requiring the use of a custom profile field for this purpose.
ADDED the ability to customize the options available for selection in the built-in "T-Shirt Size" profile field, instead of requiring the use of a custom profile field for this purpose.
ADDED the ability bulk update the built-in "Gender", "Age Group", and "T-Shirt Size" fields in volunteers profiles.
ADDED registration override functionality to allow volunteers with a valid reservation or registration code to register for events, even if they do not meet the registration restrictions or approval requirements configured for the event.
UPDATED the participation search options, in the advanced volunteer search, to allow for program administrators to search for volunteers with participation values in a specific value range, instead of just greater or less than a specified value.
FIXED an error where a volunteer with a "Disabled" profile would still be able to register for an event using QuickReg under certain conditions.
FIXED an error where events configured with a visibility restriction based on a custom field would not be displayed in the calendar view for volunteers meeting the criteria.
FIXED an error on system configuration page where parts of the info pop-up text would appear behind the text editing toolbar options.
FIXED an error in the advanced volunteer search page where the system would pre-select certain search options for users with Group Leader access under very limited circumstances.
CERVIS v8.3.0 - Jan 24, 2020
ADDED functionality into the system to combine and simplify volunteer portal options for events and service projects to create a more streamlined workflow for volunteers. You've always had the ability to combine the listings for events and service projects prior to logging into the system, but this update adds the ability to do the same for volunteers after they log in.
ADDED the ability to allow volunteers to use mobile sign-in from "Any Location" instead of just from an established distance from the check-in location. This will benefit organizations who utilize volunteers for outdoor projects without a specific location, such as parks, wildlife areas, or nature preserves. When enabled, volunteers will be able to sign-in from any location and the system will record the volunteer's exact GPS location for review.
ADDED new "Registration Request" option to the "Detail" field for the Event / Project Participation Report to provide an easy way to print, or view, all open event registration requests that haven't been processed.
FIXED an error where time slots that are set to automatically close prior to an event, were still be listed as "Open" under some circumstances when viewing them from the listing page calendar view.
FIXED an error where the system was not filling in event registration from the waitlist when an existing reservation for that event was deleted, freeing up available spots.
FIXED an error that would allow the export selection type field to be inadvertently activated on the volunteer management dashboard even when that option was hidden and not being displayed on the screen.
CERVIS v8.2.3 - Dec 29, 2019
ADDED the functionality to print a volunteer's profile information page to a PDF file.
ADDED options to "paste as plain text" and "remove formatting" for page text content areas when editing an event or updating pages in the system configuration. This option makes it easier to remove unintended formatting when copying from another source.
UPDATED the "Terms & Conditions Intro Text" field in the system configuration to allow up to 275 characters (up from 190).
FIXED an error where the system would view registrations assigned 0.00 hours for an event the same as a "no show" under certain scenarios.
FIXED an error that would cause a warning message to be displayed when sending out an email message notifying that the recipient list for that message included "failed" email addresses, when those "failed" addresses had already been corrected in the system.
FIXED an error with the system not assigning the top parent interest category (when selected) to a volunteer's profile when using the QuickReg application under certain conditions.
CERVIS v8.2.2 - Nov 30, 2019
ADDED new functionality for "Live Chat" support via the help widget on the admin dashboard to make it easier to get direct live help when needed. "Live Chat" will be available based on agent availability and is accessible by clicking the "Need Help?" button on the admin dashboard. At times when "Live Chat" is not available, users will still have the option to submit a ticket via our "Priority Email Support" option.
FIXED an error where the displayed number of volunteers registered for an event would not immediately update after manually registering a new volunteer for an event through the admin event registration page.
FIXED an error on the admin event registration page where the reservation codes applied to the event would not show up correctly with the applied date filter if the date was manually entered with a single digit day (i.e. 11/1/2019 vs 11/01/2019).
FIXED an error where time slots with the same date and time would not be sub-sorted correctly by the slot notes field when viewing the slots in the event management dashboard.
CERVIS v8.2.1 - Oct 9, 2019
ADDED a new help widget to the admin dashboard to make it easier to find knowledge base articles and to request help.
ADDED a confirmation popup to the enable/disable interest category icon on the interest management dashboard to prevent unintended modification because of accidental clicks.
ADDED a new feature to add a log entry into the system log each time the event sign-in console/kiosk is opened.
ADDED report totals to the "Event Registration Summary" report (available on the event management dashboard) to provide a better picture of overall registration activity.
FIXED an error where automatically hiding the slots in a time slot event would not display the slots available on the last day of the month if the current month had 30 days and the month with the available slots had 31 days.
FIXED an error where the "System Announcement Notification" would not disappear immediately after clicking the "dismiss" link.
CERVIS v8.2.0 - Sept 21, 2019
ADDED a new volunteer calendar selection view to the event listing page. Volunteers who prefer to select opportunities by date, instead of by activity, can now more easily find what is available on a specific day and sign up in a few clicks.
ADDED the ability to include attributes (groups, interests, skills, availability, etc) when adding or updating profiles via the CERVIS web services API.
FIXED an error with visibility restricted service projects not being displayed properly on the application page for some volunteers.
CERVIS v8.1.1 - Aug 17, 2019
UPDATED the purging behavior of the system log so that it will now store log entries for the last six months, instead of the previous behavior of storing only the last 5,000 entries.
UPDATED the back-end search behavior to greatly improve the search speed, when searching for volunteers based on past participation activity.
FIXED an error in the CERVIS web services API where a default volunteer start date would not be assigned if a start date was not specifically provided when creating a volunteer profile via the API.
FIXED an error that would occur under certain conditions when generating a custom volunteer spreadsheet that included the volunteer profile notes field, where the note field for each volunteer would also include the note field for each previous volunteer listed on the spreadsheet.
FIXED an error with the rich text editing plugin which would result in incomplete functionality on some mobile devices.
CERVIS v8.1.0 - July 16, 2019
ADDED i ntegrated background check functionality. We are very excited to announce that CERVIS has partnered with with Backgrounds Online to use their background check processing service to handle all of your background check needs, while enabling you to manage the entire process from within your CERVIS console. Learn more here: https://youtu.be/zZuXPbdMnzs
ADDED the ability to store full resolution volunteer profile photos in the system, instead of just the reduced size display images.
ADDED the ability to send Powerpoint attachments via email.
UPDATED the file attachment storage limit. You now have 10GB of file attachment storage available to you instead of the previous 200MB. This should be more than enough storage to keep all of the relevant information about your volunteers, events, and your entire program in your CERVIS system.
FIXED an error in the system where time slots were being displayed by slot order instead of by slot date when adding a time slot to a reservation.
FIXED an error in the system that, under specific conditions, could prevent group leaders from being able to fully manage their groups when their group did not have any volunteers assigned to it.
CERVIS v8.0.0 - May 11, 2019
See the new features in our Spring Update Video: https://youtu.be/5WPeuvcQftE
Improved Program Oversight
Here at CERVIS, we are always looking for ways to help you better manage and utilize your volunteer data. In this update, we have included new ways to collect, view, and report on the data in your system.
- "At a Glance" Dashboard Charts - Have you ever wondered how many new volunteers you had last month compared to the previous month? Or how many hours have been served in one of your Interest Categories compared to another? You can now see a snapshot of your volunteer activity represented visually as soon as you log in to your account. The new interactive charts on your Main Dashboard allow you to see how many hours were served, the number of active volunteers, and the number of new volunteers for each month. They also show you how many hours were served in each of your top 25 Interest Categories during the previous year.
- E-mail Analytics Summary Report - As an added feature related to our new email analytics tracking, there is now a single report that will show you the analytics for all emails sent through your system within a particular date range. Instead of having to locate and view each email individually, you can now see how many views, clicks, unsubscribes, and failures were performed for multiple emails at once.
- Event Registration Summary Report - It is important to have the right number of volunteers for any given opportunity, so we have added a report that provides an easier way to track how many volunteers are registered for your events. You can download the Event Registration Summary for multiple events to see how many volunteers are registered, helping you determine if you are on track with your recruiting goals.
- Registration Cancellation Feedback - Do you ever need to know why your volunteer cancelled their registration, either for your own curiosity or for reporting purposes? It is now easier-than-ever to receive that information. When your volunteers cancel their registration, they are given the option to include a cancellation note that will be sent to the event organizer(s).
Enhanced Data Exporting
We understand that sharing information between CERVIS and your CRM database is very important to ensure proper data management for your organization. Although automatic integration is not always an option, we have given you the ability to export your data from CERVIS in a customizable format so that you can easily import it into your CRM software.
- Exporting Data to Other Systems - We offer direct integrations with some CRM software programs, but there are so many options out there that we cannot possibly integrate with them all. What we can do, however, is offer a way to pull your data from your CERVIS console in a manner that will make it easy to import into your CRM software.
- Custom Spreadsheets - You are now able to fully customize the information that is downloaded in the spreadsheet option on your Volunteer Management Dashboard. Create and save spreadsheet templates, and with just a few clicks, download the specific data needed, in your desired order, to be imported into your CRM software.
- Lifetime Hours - In addition to being able to download basic profile information about your volunteers (such as address, phone number, age, etc.), you can now also include their lifetime hours in your export. This allows you to import this information into your donor database, so you can track their volunteer hours as well as their donor and personal information.
Learn more about our enhanced data export feature here: https://youtu.be/gEuRwttGTLI
Service Project Activity Scheduling
Do you have individuals or groups that volunteer on a regular basis but are not part of a regular time slot event? Maybe you have a volunteer who covers your front desk every Monday from 8am-12pm, or you have a driver who delivers meals for you every other Tuesday afternoon. Previously, it may have been easy to forget when they were planning to come or just generally challenging to manage their volunteerism. We are excited to introduce a feature that will allow you to create a schedule for an individual or a group within a Service Project. The Service Project Schedule feature allows you to build out a schedule framework based on the dates/times a volunteer plans to serve. This will then allow you to visually see the volunteer's activity schedule and proceed to log those hours as they complete them. See this new feature in action by clicking here: https://youtu.be/Wyerx4RxdUg