CERVIS v3.5.0 - May 2, 2014
New Features:
Please note, not all new features are available to Basic and Standard Edition customers.
"Walk-in" Registration and Console Sign-in
For organizations that utilize a large number of volunteers on a recurring basis, the simplest way to track volunteer activity is by allowing volunteers to sign in electronically using the CERVIS sign-in console. This may, however, introduce the potential to cause a slow down in the sign in process when an unregistered "walk-in" volunteer shows up for an event. Most organizations love to have volunteer help, regardless of whether or not someone pre-registered for an event. Now it is easier-than-ever to register and sign in "walk-in" volunteers within CERVIS -- without causing long lines at the sign-in desk. CERVIS now makes signing in as a "walk-in" volunteer as easy as signing in as a pre-registered volunteer. "Walk-in" volunteers can easily sign-in, and even create a new profile if needed, all directly from the CERVIS Sign-in Console. If you would like to take advantage of this new functionality, you just need to enable it in your system configuration under the "Allow Walk-in Registration via Sign-in Console" setting.
Volunteer Data Import & Contact Synchronization
Volunteer Import - If you have a regular need to import volunteer data into your CERVIS account from another source, CERVIS is here to help! Whether you need to import data just one time, or on a recurring monthly, weekly or even daily basis, now you can perform on-demand imports as often as needed with the new CERVIS Volunteer Data Import tool.
Contact Synchronization - Tired of having different contact information in different systems across your organization? The new CERVIS data import tool also has the functionality to update existing volunteers in CERVIS with updated contact information from your donor management software, CRM, or any other system that allows you to export a CSV spreadsheet.
New Export Options - When you need to export data out of CERVIS to update other systems in your organization, being able to export the right subset of information is critical. With this update, CERVIS now has the ability to search for and export volunteer profiles where the contact information has been recently changed. Use this feature to help seamlessly synchronize contact information across your organization by only exporting volunteer records with updated contact information.
To access the new data import functionality, please visit the "Volunteer Data Import" link under the "System Management" section of your Main Dashboard.
Enhanced CERVIS Integration
For customers using the iframe integration method to integrate CERVIS into your organization home page, we have some very exciting news. Over the years, the number one request that we have received is to be able to eliminate the dual scroll bars that appear on the integration page when the content within the CERVIS window is longer than the specified length of the iframe. Unfortunately, in the past we were limited from a technical standpoint on what we could do about this because of limitations built into web browsers. However, that is no longer the case and we are happy to announce that you now have the capability to allow the iframe window to automatically resize based on the length and completely eliminate the dual scroll bar effect! To take advantage of this new functionality, you will need to update your pages with the new integration code detailed here: http://support.cervistech.com/entries/21846213.
For customers that don't currently integrate CERVIS into your organization's webpage or who don't want to implement this new integration method, no changes are needed and your account will function exactly as it does now.
Extended International Functionality
Location Search - Our customers in Canada now have the ability to search for events and volunteers based on zip code proximity.
New Locale - For our customers south of the border, we have added a new "Mexico" locale to the system configuration to allow for customized phone number and address formatting.
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