CERVIS v3.0.0 - August 29, 2013
New Features:
Please note, not all new features are available to Basic and Standard Edition customers.
SMS / Text Messaging
Keep up with your mobile volunteers with the new SMS functionality integrated into CERVIS. Send out SMS blasts for urgent communication and use SMS event reminders to remind busy volunteers about service commitments while on the go. This functionality allows you to connect CERVIS to your existing SMS messaging provider for seamless messaging integration, billing, and account management.
*One-time CERVIS activation fee and Third-party messaging provider (Twilio, CellTrust, or Clickatell) required.
Enhanced User Interface
- New system icons create a simplified feel and allow CERVIS users to navigate more easily throughout the system and find what they are looking for. Don't like the new icons? Easily switch back to the old icons by updating the system configuration.
- New rich text editor allows for faster system performance and enhanced compatibility across different browsers, including desktop and mobile, while providing a simplified visual experience.
- Expanding list boxes allow easier viewing and selecting of information in lengthy lists by increasing the size of list boxes to accommodate the entire list set.
- Volunteer self-registration page has been enhanced to provide users with a similar registration experience both before and after logging in.
- Volunteer "Main Menu" has been simplified with easier-to-understand wording, navigation, and consolidated selection options.
- Volunteers are now able to view all of the open service projects they are approved for under the "Service Project Management" section of the Volunteer Main Menu.
- Dedicated spell check has been replaced with native browser spell check. This allows for enhanced speed, increased language support, and greater dictionary customization. This will, however, remove spell check functionality from older browsers that do not support native spell checking.
- Inline Terms & Conditions allow organizations with differing requirements to present terms & conditions directly as text on the volunteer profile creation page as opposed to a link with a popup notice. Configure your desired method with the "Terms & Conditions" options in the system configuration.
Reorder Custom Profile Questions
Have you ever wanted to ask your volunteers questions in a certain order, but the custom profile questions in CERVIS just weren't in the correct order? Now you can...just update the "Custom Field Order" fields in the system configuration to place the custom fields in any order you need.
Mobile Compatibility
Get the information you need, when and where you need it, even if you're not sitting at your desk. Now you can view document and spreadsheet reports from CERVIS directly on your Android or iOS mobile device.
Multi-event Actions
- For anyone that has ever needed to change the event organizer for 50 events or set the event status to "Open" for a big day of service...this one's for you! You are now able to update event attributes for multiple events at the same time through the event management dashboard. Just select the events you want, choose the fields you want to update, provide the new values, and you're all set.
- If you've ever managed a volunteer schedule that includes multiple CERVIS events, then you know that volunteers can sometimes show up and not remember exactly which event they registered for. Now you can print a combined event sign-in sheet for multiple events on a single spreadsheet. With this option, you can sort by volunteer name (or whatever criteria you want), print out a spreadsheet, and have an easy method for staff to help direct uncertain volunteers.
- Do you copy the same events every year, or even every month? The newly added Bulk Event Duplicate functionality within CERVIS will enable you to be more efficient by allowing you to duplicate multiple events at once.
- Quickly export a spreadsheet of full event details for multiple events whenever you need it by utilizing the added "Export Event Details" functionality within CERVIS.
Expanded Bulk Time Slot Functionality
- Tired of having to either update time slots one at a time or all together? With this update, you can now bulk update as many (or as few) time slots as you need to by checking/unchecking the "include in bulk slot update" checkbox for each slot as you are performing a bulk update.
- In addition to the options currently available for bulk updating time slot events, you can now also update slot start time, slot end time, and slot status.
Group Management Options
- Do your group leaders need additional access to manage their groups? You can now enable group leaders to access the group management options for their group by updating the "Allow Group Leader(s) to Access Group Management" feature in the system configuration.
- Track information about groups, such as preferences, limitations, or special considerations with the new Group Notes feature available in the Group Management Dashboard.
- Have you ever wished that you could automatically assign a group to a volunteer when they registered for a specific event? Now you can make it happen by updating the "Assign Associated Group" field when updating an event.
Attribute Search Capability
If you've ever needed to search for a volunteer who is not assigned to a particular group or who is only assigned to a single interest category, now you have that capability. Navigate to the attribute management section of the Main Dashboard, find the desired attribute (interest, group, skill, etc) you're looking for and click on the appropriate search icon under the "Actions" column.
Volunteer Export Additions
Volunteer age (calculated off of birth date), Years of Service (calculated off of CERVIS Start Date) and Volunteer Profile Notes have been added to the Volunteer Export Spreadsheet.
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